[hider= Zeig CS] Name: Zeig Age: 18 Appearance:[img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/189/e/f/anime_boy_012846_deviantart_by_animepewds-d6ci0vm.jpg] History: Zeig grew up in a small town of Holy Cross in Ireland. He suffered the loss of his best friend when he turned 15 when his friend committed suicide. At that time Zeig started to cut himself. Noticing him spiraling into depression his parents sent him on a trip to explore Europe when he ended up in DeepWinter. Personality: Zeig is very isolated and doesn't talk much but isn't afraid of a fight. He always seems spaced out and that he doesn't care. Ability(ies): He has the ability to cause instant pain to people he chooses as well as the ability to heal the wounds of friends. Downside(s): Both these actions cause Zeig the same amount of pain as it causes the one being injured/healed Affinity: (With or against humans) Is indifferent [/hider]