[center][[b]IC[/b] | [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/68582/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2129096]OOC[/url][/b] | [s]Character Sheets[/s]][/center] View Raw Text, then simply use this template. I will create a character roster with teams here when I have sufficient sheets. -------------- [center][img]Character Reference[/img] [b][Gender | Age | (Pre-Mutant/Bolt/Cat(Cata)/Non-mutant) | Role within the team][/b][/center] [indent][b]Name of character[/b] followed by a 1-3 paragraph overview and personality description.[/indent] [center][youtube]Optional Themesong[/youtube][/center] [b]Traits and Abilities[/b] [indent]List all training, special physical traits, abnormalities in the character, genetic modification and metaphysical abilities.[/indent] [b]H.A.N.D. Status[/b] [indent]Basically, I don't want these characters just stitched together. I would prefer if most of you were actually of a military or federal background, probably WWI veterans, that opted into this program due to exemplary service. Of course you can stray off, but I want there to be a sense of uniformity as well. Solid reasons, strong backgrounds.[/indent] [b]History[/b] [indent]The history of your character. Although important, I understand not everyone is a huge stickler (like me) about the details, especially in a superhero roleplay. That said, I will allow this to be a bit shorter; I created the HAND status separated to allow the lenience here.[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous[/b] --------------- [center][b]Character Roster[/b][/center] [b]Alpha Team[/b] [indent][i]Leader: Amnesia[/i] - Marquis (apprentice of Amnesia) - Flo - Koscher - Sybil[/indent] [b]Bravo Team[/b] [indent][i]Leader: Insight[/i] - Trigger - Etain - Varos (under instruction by Etain) - Kite (under instruction by Etain)[/indent]