[center][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltyo3ezSJY1r1lnbyo1_500.jpg][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Malcolm Carver-Bell [b]AGE:[/b] 18 [b]UNIQUE QUALITY:[/b] Projection – The ability to separate his consciousness from his body and explore the world around himself without moving a muscle as he is in a disembodied form. Typical uses of it include gathering information with no possible way to learn it naturally (spying) and moving small objects with sufficient willpower, almost like a 'poltergeist'. [b]WEAKNESSES:[/b] Vulnerable – While his consciousness is far away from his body (out of sight of it) he cannot see what is going on, leaving his physical form wide open to attack. In addition to this, it is very difficult to control his body while not inside it and requires great concentration otherwise he will appear to freeze where he sits or stands. Waking Up – There is a distinct possibility that if he slips out of his body while asleep, he may require an external source to jolt him awake otherwise he is stuck or 'locked out' of his own form. Furthermore, Malcolm suffers from insomnia, mostly because of the crippling fear that he will never wake up – he is near constantly tired. Radius – The distance he can travel with his consciousness alone is determined by how well he knows the area but is generally less than a mile around him. In the case of Mary St. Jude, his mind cannot leave the building. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Lethargic, rarely moves or attempts to do anything as he prefers to live his life with the freedom of movement that projection allows him. He is intelligent, cunning, and uses his ability for anything he can think of – he's almost addicted to the power of it. His morals are a tad more... flexible than a stable person's; lying and cheating are things he feels little remorse for doing. Even so, he is loyal, believing that debts must be repaid and friendships honoured. [b]BIO:[/b] – Malcolm Carver-Bell was born with a silver spoon in his mouth as the only [i]legitimate[/i] heir to the Carver lineage and its fortune. His mother, Jocelyn Carver, died only a few months after his birth but not before she specified all of her inherited wealth to go to Malcolm alone, preventing her husband of the middle-class Bell family from stealing it after his infidelity came to light. He has multiple half-siblings, all of whom got more love and affection from their father than he did. – In his early school career (up until high school), he was a full A student, lauded by his teachers and inspiring envy in his peers. He didn't make many friends, which only gave him more time to study in an attempt, however misguided, to make his father proud. By the time he realised how impossible that dream was, he had already been foisted off to his elderly aunt's estate and her ruthlessly cold, old-fashioned care. It was during this time that his ability surfaced; he found himself locked in the house – in his room – for most of the day and so wished to see the outside... a wish that actually turned into a strange reality. – Malcolm was caught when, in his first year at a prestigious university, he began to cheat on his exams. Now that he was free from under the iron heel of his family, he could slack off and forget about studying, especially when he could simply travel to the professor's office during the night and search for paperwork and answer schemes all without leaving a trace. His 100% scores were suspicious but without sufficient evidence he was not apprehended, not until friends began asking him for study guides and 'how he did it' to which he [i]bragged[/i] about being able to separate his mind and body. Not his smartest move, as he was taken to Mary St. Jude about six months ago without warning.