[center][img]http://s10.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/CAAB4976.jpg[/img] [b][Male | 27 | Cata | Squad Leader][/b][/center] [indent][b]Nathaniel "Amnesia" Palmer[/b] was one of the first soldier offered a place in H.A.N.D. after his duty in World War I and is thus considered one of the most veteran and trusted members within the organization. His service in World War I earned him high recognition and his eagerness to take the CA04 serum made him one of the foew perfect candidates for the project. Nathan was actually considered one of the greater successes of the program and to a greater extent was one of the first Cata subjects ever created; he had no qualms in undergoing further testing when it was realized his genes reacted slightly differently with the formula. Outside of the army and on a more personal level, Nathan could be considered a troubled individual and a 'runner.' Although he initially circumvented the draft, Nathan joined the military in aim of becoming a fighter pilot - which he succeeded in His only purpose for joining, however, was his intense heartbreak after not only the loss of, but the impregnation of his high school sweet heart whom cheated on him repeatedly, claiming his "steady life" of attempting to become a lawyer was too boring for her. Nathan had been running a majority of his life before that, even, as he had been a somewhat problem child due to the loss of his mother and younger sibling. The beginning of the career that made Nathan an international spy and war hero during an era of disarmament was caused by teenage heartbreak. That said, Nathan continues only looking forward. He doesn't allow himself the time to look back. [/indent] [center][youtube]DCCJCILiX3o[/youtube][/center] [b]Traits and Abilities[/b] [indent]Nathan, known by his codename Amnesia, is a cata mutant, but his specific gene allocation doesn't greatly dilute his physical traits. Nathan has all of the enhanced physical traits granted to him by the CA04 serum and can even learn to use muscle memory techniques as if he were a regular cat mutant, albeit not to the same prowess. His notable enhancement, though, is observation and analyzing. Nathan can watch and copy techniques that require immense amounts of training or quick, repeated motions and replicate them either immediately or with practice. In the case of repeating a key code, Nathan can thoughtlessly replicate digits up into the hundreds before losing track. In more advanced situations, such as combat, driving or machine operation, Nathan begins to develop an understanding of the machinations of the situation and why the body is moved in certain ways. Anything not requiring a tool or machine, specifically movements of the body, is specifically easy for him, making him a very talented and capable hand to hand fighter, as well as marksmen and duelist. These traits, however, are not Nathan's superpower. Nathan has the ability to activate an ability known as Amnesia in which he can selectively begin to force a target or several targets to forget their own skills. Nathan can, for instance, force a martial arts master to become hazy at the basics of his or her specific style(s). This ability becomes more effective over time, at first only working to make an opponent 'not use the best possible technique', but can eventually progress to absolute and total memory loss of a subject. After Nathan deactivates amnesia, his target will eventually gain their knowledge back and normally within minutes, depending on the exposure time. There is no known way of developing a resistance to this and Nathan requires line of vision to choose a target, but once a target is chosen, only Nathan chooses when to deactivate the ability unless they exit his fairly substantial range. This ability cannot force a target to forget specific facts unless those facts pertain to the subject Nathan is forcing them to forget; for example, Nathan could not force a geneticist to forget a certain genetic code unless he was forcing them to forget genetics. Nathan cannot force a target to forget multiple things or general things and he must actively choose what he forces them to forget, he can even choose for different targets to forget different subjects. [/indent] [b]H.A.N.D. Status[/b] [indent]Nathan leads the Alpha Squad for H.A.N.D. and with his mutation has proven a great asset in apprehending other mutants. He is revered as the best "duelist" within H.A.N.D. due to his ability to shut down other mutants' abilities, which results in inevitable wins for him in sparring matches. Amnesia, as he is more commonly known, is considered a benchmark within H.A.N.D. among other agents as his mutation is used as an example of "destructive power does not equate to superiority" in terms of mutations. As he acts as a leader of a squad and the embodiment of a H.A.N.D. ideal, Nathan is a valuable resource for the organization.[/indent] [b]History[/b] [indent]Nathan was the single son of a woman whom spent her time in factories. His father had died not terribly long before in an industrial accident cause by the terrible factory conditions of the era. His mother was forced to pose as a man and work "a man's job", replacing his father, so that they could get by and continue living on the housing provided to them by the company she worked for. This was done, mostly, out of sympathy to her plight as a recently widowed woman and mostly in hopes that she would soon remarry and leave the work force. It was quite the opposite. Posing as a man, she overcame her initial physical detriments and ultimately became a skilled factory worker. She could not rise up the chain any further, however, due to her gender as such would have revealed the corporate cover-up. The first years of Nathan's life were spent as part of the factory crowd, being taught in schools and going to churches provided by the steel industry his mother was working for. His life, or more so his mother's, took a drastic turn for the worse several years later. Nathan could have only been a few years into his primary schooling before his mother was known as a whore and a "low-life factory skank." Truth was, the men that she could exceed grew jealous of her abilities and raped her. Repeatedly. Originally, it was just once. Meant to "teach her a lesson", but over time it became more and more frequent as her will broke. She was shared between multiple workers with no intervention in site, and this went on for at least two years. Nathan was scarred as a child, having no father and a mother that was considered scum, but it all came to an end. His mother, in sheer rage, frustration and likely depression, bashed in the skull of one of the men whom raped her with a lead pipe. Then another. Then another. She killed four men before being killed herself. That's how it ended. Nathan had to leave the factory community, as there angry families looking to vent their frustrations and he was the only target left by his mother. Nathan fled, only a boy. He entered the world with little resources, little experience and as little knowledge as the schools could provide him. He lived on the streets and the streets turned that sad little boy into a man. Nathan spent several years performing menial tasks or whatever work he could find on the streets, all until he was just old enough to become a server and eventually a bartender at a tavern. Nathan became a full-time worker and caretaker of a small establishment, living in its upstairs as room and board, and taking care of all of its ledger work. Nathan had picked up arithmetic skills in his schooling, and worked with them well on the streets, to make him an asset to its Irish owners. Nathan, following the route set out for him, was paired with the third daughter - a beautiful redhead fed well from the profits of what was becoming a popular tavern in the Jazz age - and was to be married into the family as to inherit the business he helped, and even improved on. Nathan came from nothing, and in all honesty appreciated all that he had received. His soon-to-be wife was beautiful, his life looked up, and he had avoided the draft all-together since he, in a way, didn't exist. Officials believed he died at that company camp. This, however, was not happily ever after for Nathan. His wife, as it turned out, had cheated on him repeatedly, sleeping around with several tavern drunks as they were "rough and ready" for her. Nathan caught her, devastating him and only shattering him even more when later she was found to be pregnant. The timing was all wrong for it to have been his, but her parents wanted their marriage secured anyway. Nathan was shattered. He refused it. He fled and joined the fight in what was known as the global war, rather risking his life than dealing with one that tortured him. In reality, it's all Nathan knew how to do: run. Nathan ran from his life whenever it became too much, but he excelled in the military. Specifically becoming an aviator, becoming well known for his dog fights, Nathan took to the skies for freedom. He was ultimately shot down only to invade enemy camps and secure important intel' for the war, against odds even slimmer than that bastard child being his. After the war, Nathan was one of several distinguished war veterans with little or nothing to return to offered a place in H.A.N.D., and he took it. The military had became his home, he had risked his life before, so any experiment they put him through was for what he considered the greater good.[/indent]