Angel nodded as she watched De Winters fill her cup. "Yes I know... But..." She says quietly. She picks up the cup and slowly brings it to her lips, opening her mouth as to take a drink. Her eyes close and seem seemes sad and frightened. She sits the cup down and shakes her head, holding her stomach that feels as though it will burst. "I-I just cant bring myself to do it... To know that someone lost theyre blood for this, I just... I cant." She says. Her mind screaming. 'Force feed yourself! The person to give the blood is already dead or fine with theyre family! You fool youll die of starvation!'. Angel groaned. She held her head and pushed out her chair, standing up and going to the hallway, leaning agenst the wall and sliding down it, groaning. "I-I cant.... I cant!" She says quietly to herself.