Roas took a moment to size up his opponent, making a mental list of everything the warrior knew about him. From his physical form, to the way he spoke, even the brief pause of the flames when he seemed to lose track of his thoughts. The Mercenary took note of as much as he could, planning his strategy as the fire spirit spoke. He paused for a moment when the spirit was finished, still ready to react should his plan go awry. Roas spoke once again, calm and commanding. "For the record, I said nothing about being better, that was all you. If I might ask, what are you in the mood for? I was minding my own business, last I checked. You are the one who picked the fight. Perhaps you should calm down a bit, friend, you're burning all of these lovely smelling reeds. It's a shame, really." The Warrior stood, his face stern and focused on every movement his opponent made.