Noesha was use to this sort of prejudice against her. Most people assumed she looked younger then she really was. She took a small, hand held device out her pocket that could easily pass as a phone. She held it out, tapping a few buttons and then setting it down on the ground, revealing a holographic image. She moved her fingers in the air and then image became bigger, and she began to work. He fingers moved quickly, removing things she didn't want for the hologram and bringing in things she did. She worked silently and in determination, speaking softly "I don't give a tiny rats ass who you are, but I won't have anyone speak to me like that. For your information, ten years ago, after a few hours work and days of preparation, I hacked into the pentagon. I did it so that I wouldn't even leave a foot mark on the system, nor trigger any alarm. I didn't steal and information, I was just bored, had access to good equipment and thought what the hell. I don't exist so it's not like they can catch me, and even if hey traced me, I'd just ditch the computer and gear and go to another hide out." She said, "oh, and look at that. I just did it again" she looked over and smirked. She sat down, toying around for a few seconds more, copying what Nora had done and flicking the power off then on in the span of a minute. "Don't test me. Do not judge me. I may look young, but I am 27 years old and have been doing this since I was 11. I don't like pettiness either, but I will stoop to such a low level when some atuck up snob assumes I am beneath them, and assumes I am not skilled. I name my toys how I want, so yes, I used a Jammer but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a out doubted thing. It isn't. Maybe you need to get your ears cleaned out, but I said I wasn't invited. I do not leave a mark, I do not make it obvious I am hacking, or stealing. I do not have a infamous name like yours, Nora. I am not looking for fame in the thieving world. I'm looking to survive. I am more subtle it seems then you are. I'd suggest using that thing in your head between your years, but obviously your brain doesn't filter what comes out your mouth, so I'm going to chose to ignore you now" her tone was stern, her expression serious as she picked up her hand held device, and turned it off, returning it to her pocket. "I've never been good at diversion, would you mind teaching me?" Niesha asked, turning to Eden, turning her back on Nora, and focusing her attention on Eden.