[u]Henry Olin[/u] "Ey, it's me." Henry replied to Codi's question. "A friend came by, healed up my jaw, I owe him one now." he replied. "No need to worry. I'm all good." concluded. He heard Theresa agree to his game, and shouted her call. "Polo!" Henry called back, his face cracking into a smile. ...Only for his face once again to contort into a reptilian version of [url=http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/741/861/6b4.jpg]this face[/url] when he watched Theresa's outline hurl up a another red liquid, showing it was warm from being inside her body. The smell was terrible, but it wasn't thick enough to be just bile and the contents of her stomach. There was a lot of water in there too. He decided to make no comment at this, or to really help Theresa. She would know that he could see her and what happened. Approaching her and making it known that he had would most likely make it worse. It would be another thing that would fade into history between them, unless she felt otherwise and wanted it known. Whatever floated her boat. His head snapped around a few seconds before another person entered the building. He had smelt them coming. It looked like a female. Attractive, sure. He couldn't make out anything about her though. He didn't need to ask her announce herself though, she beat him to the punch, whomever she was, and quickly revealed that her name was Victoria. And that she was his friend. "I'm here!" Henry said quickly, only to watch her take her shirt off. Her upper body had been blue with the rest being red an yellow. Now he saw why, her shirt was completely soaked and rather thin, and now she had taken it off and he couldn't tell if she was wearing a bra or not. "Wait, no I'm not!" he announced a little too quickly, making the same [url=http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/741/861/6b4.jpg]face[/url] again for the second time that day, and then looked around for an escape route, quickly deciding that the ceiling was always the best, per the usual. Scratching noises sounded out as he scrambled his way to the ceiling, quickly tacking away and flattening himself to the ceiling in hopes Victoria wouldn't make him come down because he is sure as hell not coming anywhere near that with how much of a bitch he was when it came to girls. It happened once, ONCE, and he was incredibly drunk (it was hard to get drunk along, not even accounting his size, due to his metabolism. His BAC had to have been at .2 or higher then) and just drunk enough to be confident enough to not be a coward for one night, and she was drunk off her ass too whoever she was. Then when he came to, he couldn't even remember anything so it wasn't like she stuck around when she woke up, and she had woken up long before him and left a sticky note on his snout to never speak of it again like he wasn't black out drunk. He mentally slapped the shit out of himself for being such an wimp, but he couldn't help it.