Name: Allen Price Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=pic][img][/img][/hider] Short Bio: Allen was 7 when he moved with his mother who got a divorce with his father and Allen would just listen to music. He loved music ever since his mother would play her instruments like the trumpet and flute. So when Allen got his headphones from his father Allen's father said that no one is to use the headphones but Allen and said that the headphones contained energy only to be used by the Price bloodline and Allen told him that there is nothing to worry about. Then his father disappeared one day after the divorce and Allen didn't know what he will do without talking to his dad. Because Allen thought his father would understand anything he would tell him and loved him for listening to his issues. Then when Allen got to his house he'll be living in with his mother, he met many new friends and grew up there with them and still no letters or calls from his lost father. Personality: Allen tends to hide his real emotions behind a big smile and doesn't like talking about it to his mom. He also loves to chat and be social with friends that are usually around him most of the time. He is also athletic and loves the sport soccer, and the most important part of his personality is that he loves music. What ever kind of music he listens to seems to give him more energy and pumps him up for anything. If Alex is feeling sad, mad, angry, or just plain bored he would listen to his music and forget about whatever he was emotional about. Ability: He has the ability to gather energy from his headphones while listening to music use it to enhance his abilities or others like boosting their abilities better than it was before Downside of his Ability: He can only enhance one ability a time like strength, regeneration, or stamina and only lasts as long of the average song and when he wants to enhance again, he can't , because it has a cool down time like 10 minutes and then he is most vulnerable so he can't get in a fight without back up I'm interested and I hope that this is okay, if not I'll edit it