Milo didn't get to meet Booker, nor did he get invited to this "Thieves guild/club/inc" or whatever the hell it was. He had just gotten out of prison after serving 3 years. The web he hadn't luckily never really broke as they set him back up on his feet pretty quick, and his dealing with the web, also happened to bring up this meeting. One of Milo's oldest friends known on the streets as JTR, was the one actually invited but he was trying to get out of the game, maybe settle down and have a proper family. JTR had given Milo the instructions on getting into the meeting, and wished Milo the best of luck since this may be the last time they got to see each other. "Hey man, I just wanted to thank you again. This'll set me up great" Milo texted JTR [i]"Don't mention it, but this time don't get caught :P"[/i] "Since when do I do that? :P" [i]"Since you've been in jail for 3 years"[/i] "Not my fault. Oh shit, almost missed my turn, I'll hit you up later man." Milo said as he swerved over to the red line. "Game day," he muttered to himself. Following the line he found the door, not just a door, but a lot of yelling and two blackouts pretty quick after each other. Instead of knocking Milo walked in, the door wasn't locked so, the yelling was only worse once he got inside. "Will all of you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Milo yelled, he immediately regretted it considering he was the uninvited party guest. "So... hi, I'm the unwanted house guest. I have no clue who you are, but is this the Thieves club... inc... guild... thing... interest... meeting?" he asked his voice trailing off