George leaped from excitement to apprehension to excitement once again and to every emotion in between. He'd never been so nervous. His palms were sweaty and his entire body made him shiver from the cold, or the excitement. He wasn't sure what it was but he was undeniably and positively brimming from elation and utter joy. This was finally it! This was the day they were all waiting for, every single person in the train was waiting to return to a place that would become home to them so quickly. He wondered what it would be to leave the place in their Seventh Year. To climb on the train for what would be the last time, watching a home drift away into the distance behind them, fading into nothing but vivid colours and powerful memories they would all share and pass onto their children. George walked ahead of Sadie, keeping their place in the horde. There may not have been as many students as one of the larger muggle schools he knew existed, however the sheer number of students within their proximity was astounding. Some of them were young, some of them looked older, in their final years perhaps. He occasionally glanced around to see if his friend had disappeared, however he soon found himself no longer needing too. He could hear her loudly enough, he had no reason to search for her where he couldn't see him. He was sure that if they left arms reach, he'd hear his voice coming from down the hall. Despite everything, he was glad to have Sadie as a friend. She may not have stopped talking all day but he felt relieved to know that someone hadn't chosen to pick at him for how many muggles his father had killed or how many cases of Cruicio his father had cast. She had remained unaware the entire time. Somehow he expected it not to matter to her. She seemed so happy and content with her first wizarding friend. He stepped off the train and watched as the taller students disappeared as an experienced troop down towards the opposite end of the platform. He soon found himself listening to an accent he was sure was more southern than his own, before feeling Sadie push him along with the bundle of students their own age. George glanced around at the faces he could see until he stopped on the speaking man. He was huge! He furrowed both eyebrows and wondered just how tall the man was. How had he gotten so tall? Was he half giant? Was he actually a giant?! George had always expected Giants to be bigger. Deep down, he sensed a small twinge of disappointment. Almost as if he'd been lied to for so many years of his life. Surely giants were as tall as the stories always told, they had to be. He hurried along after Sadie at the giant-man, legs almost running like the rest of the student body on all sides. He could tell the apprehension and excitement was pouring out of each of the children around him. He saw the same smiles and the same nervous shivers and happy giggles that were coming from every single one of them. Everyone was as excited as the next. They arrived at the boats shortly and suddenly everything seemed so real. The castle was just over that lake and their future of magic and wonder was a short boat ride away. He passed Sadie a wide smile and followed her into the boat they'd been assigned. They set off shortly and he found himself wondering just how his brother and the other students got to school. Surely they didn't travel by boat too. Maybe they had to walk. During their journey, George hadn't felt the need to talk. Amoungst all of them, Sadie and Seine seemed to talk for them all. His eyes drew up at the horizon, waiting for the castle to appear behind the huge hills. When it did, George found himself shocked and in amazement. He'd seen manors and stately homes belonging to cousins and distant relatives but nothing compared. Nothing at all! He gawked ahead, smiling widely at the sight ahead of them. Nothing at all from going to compare to this place. George stepped ashore as soon as they were able, preparing the climb the steps from the boat house all the way to the Great Hall. The castle was even bigger up close! He spotted Sadie dash off and knew there was no way he'd be able to catch up. He continued his pace behind them all and joined a selection of students as they began their ascent towards the castle. His legs burnt slightly when he reached the top but he put that down simply to a lack of fitness and stair climbing. He finally reached the castle and beamed at the thought of finally seeing inside. He stood behind the small group, all too busy looking at the women stood before them all to have a good look at the fellow students they'd be sharing lessons with for the rest of the year. He turned his eyes over the crowd looking for Sadie. He spotted brunettes and black hair. He even spotted the same white hair from earlier but finally locating Sadie near the front of the bundle. He eased his way through the crowd and pulled up next to her and Seine.