Howdy! The name is Joe and here are a few things I like to say before getting down to the good stuff: -I've been threading for about 10 years now and love a great story filled with action, adventure, romance and depth -I currently teach full time, go to grad school and have a family, so please bear with me! I WILL post once a day, if not more, but I do have a number of priorities that naturally take me away(Also, Dragon Age inquisition comes out next week, soooo there's that xD) I do post at LEAST two to three paragraphs per post, so hopefully length will satisfy :) -I like keeping my threads at PG-13, so instead of describing graphic scenes, I tend to do before/after or fade to black. -I really enjoy plotting with my partners, so please don't be afraid to tell me your ideas! They're awesome! I want to hear them! -If you have MSN messenger or some other messaging app, let me know if that's an easier option to plot so we can do it more instantly than over PM With. All. That. Said.... Below are some of the ideas/fandoms that I've been itching to thread. Shoot me a PM if anything interests you and we'll go from there! Feudal Japan(fantasy): Sasami Myakashi is a disgraced samurai who disregarded the ways of Bushido and advocates a new way of thinking among the Samurai that involves balance, mercy and justice over glory in battle. No one knows how Sasami adopted these odd notions nor do they care, the small clan that he once proudly served with exiling him and branding him a traitor. As the exiled samurai dwells in a lonely forest, a glowing green light appears in the woods and floods the entire area, blinding him. The light disappears, instead replaced by the body of a young woman with unique marks upon her arms that glowed with the same green light he had just seen. Who was she? (I'm looking for someone to play the young woman who I can give more detail about over PM/messenger) Medieval(fantasy, again xD): An elvish lad named Nuvyen finds himself on the run from a former illicit association he had held with a criminal organization. The assassin sent to take his life finds him at the inn and is ready to take his life when suddenly the inn is besieged by mysterious figures with flowing robes that have odd symbols on them. The figures attack the duo and upon their defeat, disappear into vapor, a sudden shriek filling the air along with their disappearance. Something tells both assassin and elf that the worst is yet to come. (Looking for assassin!) Fandoms: Mass effect Dragon Age Resident evil