William, in his sprawled spot in his chair, waved his hand absently back and forth, studying it with a half-focused, half-glassed gaze. After quite some time, his mind began to return and he took in everything that was being said. Still in a daze, he replied to Vanity in an absent-minded kind of tone, [b]"why tell her not to be dramatic when you yourself are the most drama-centered one here, for you are the one that let us assume and guess, and be blinded by fancy lights that even I know better ways to use for effect..."[/b] After maybe another ten seconds, he sat up, eyes clearing, mind crystallizing from rock to glass again. Gears ground for a moment before they started working again, and he looked about the room, narrow-eyed. "This is getting much too much for me. I need three things: a library, my book, and maybe a pitcher of blood, especially so since someone didn't die just to feed us."