[center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/080/a/9/anime_girl_brown_hair_green_eyes_by_dog2467-d7b4cnk.jpg[/img] [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/080/a/9/anime_girl_brown_hair_green_eyes_by_dog2467-d7b4cnk.jpg]Picture Link.[/url] Name: Allie Doyle Age: 17 History: Born in a small town in America, Allie was sheltered by her parents because of her ability. The community had strict religious policies and ideals, so her parents were worried they may see her as "evil." Allie had no friends growing up. She knew it was for the best, being locked up in her room with nothing but mountains of books. Her parents eventually sent her to Deepwinter when they found out about the place. They hoped that she would be safer with people who were more like her. Personality: Allie is very quiet and reserved, somewhat afraid of other people. Not of the people themselves, but more of what she could accidentally do to them. Books being her only company, she wants friends, but is afraid of making them and not very sure how to. However, she is truly very kind. Ability: Able to poison someone with her blood. One small drop is extremely lethal. Downsides: A cut or an extremely heightened emotion (anger and fear) will cause her blood to unwillingly seep from her hands. It can easily kill someone, depending on how strong they are. Even though she can't die from the poison inside of her, it constantly makes her weak and sometimes sick. Affinity: Indifferent. She knows that there are good and bad people on each side.[/center]