This is what I have so far, I will probably add more to the powers section and put up and Appearance later Name: Arguis god of Chaos Goal: Variant. Arguis does not wish for territory of for followers, he only wishes to create chaos, although he tends to aggressive when doing this he is very defensive when other gods factor into the matter simply by running away, but in some situations, Arguis will fight. Domain: Wars, Battlefields, Disasters, The folds of Chaos(fancy way of saying Chaos) Appearance: [hider=Large Pic] [img=] [/hider] Powers: -god of Chaos Arguis can influence the chaotic forces in the universe. He is able to increase or decrease the power of Chaos in a specific area. Artifacts: -Eye of Chaos This item will allow the user to influence Chaos in small ways. For example, if the user of this item wants manipulate the mind of a hero into doing bad, this item has the ability to increase the amount of Chaos in that area, but the affects ware off after a period of time. Territory: Arguis does not really have any territory. He is a wanderer, roaming the world causing chaos and destruction in his path. We're there is war, you most likely see him, changing the course of a battle unexpectedly and feeding on the chaos the comes from it. Other Info: Arguis's main power source is the universe it self, all the chaos the comes from it goes to Arguis and it then he uses that power to create more chaos. It would not be hard to imagine that Arguis's mortal enemy in the god of Order, all chaos that is created can be stopped by Order, but chaos cannot be destroyed.