There was nothing like the sounds of the beach when it came to calming a disturbed soul. The gentle crash of ocean water against the sand, the chirping of seagulls and the soothing breeze all flowed together in perfect harmony. John loved the beach. It was always so calming to the otherwise flustered and frustrated superhero. John stared down at the water of the bay, and he desperately wanted to take off his accursed armor and leap in. Then Banister remembered that if he did, he’d most likely end up responsible for poisoning half the city. With a sigh, John forced his massive bulky suit to stand up from its sitting position. He grabbed the large half filled trash bag that had sat next to him, turning and starting back up to the road. Once his large metal boots hit the sidewalk, John noticed the over abundance of litter lining the road. He’d been at this since 2:00 AM, and filled three bags full yet he’d barely made much of a dent. Luckily for John, he rarely slept. Partly do to the fact that sleep was barely necessary due to his powers giving him energy, but mostly because of the nightmare: those horrifying memories of the past that the Russian hated to recall. John reached a massive gauntlet down, and scooped up a beer bottle, and threw it into the trash bag. The large metal man began to walk down the sidewalk, cleaning up the streets. Fallout contemplated silently to himself as he moved down the quiet morning street, picking up other people’s garbage. He found it humorous what other people thought of him. He’d been called a monster, a menace, a danger to the human race. John knew it was because they were afraid of the power he held inside, but that didn’t take away the sting of their words. John grabbed some form of paper up and was about to toss it in the trash when he caught sight of what was written on it. It was an old newspaper, and who was on the front didn’t surprise Fallout in the slightest: G-Force. For the millionth time, Bay Times had made her front cover. To be fair, most of the heroes had been on the cover more than once. Except Fallout, who had only ever been in the front cover of a newspaper titled: “WALKING ATOM BOMB DESTROYS BUILDING.” I mean, John hadn’t meant to hit that support beam. That thief was just too fast, and he might have gotten a bit carried away with shooting and- BOOM! The hero’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a small explosion, and a force hitting his back. Fallout turned, raising his energy blaster on his right arm towards the source of the attack. Lo and behold, there was a group of laughing teenagers wielding firecrackers.”You could hurt someone with tho-“Fallout was cut off as another firecracker exploded by his feet. As the next firecracker flew through the air, Fallout blasted it apart and sent the teenagers packing.”Rotten kids…” John muttered to himself. The underappreciated hero turned on his heels and went back to picking up garbage. After a good while of walking, Fallout found himself on Parker Street, with a full bag. After making sure there was no one nearby, John incinerated the bag using his powers and pulled another one off the roll he’d attached to his ‘belt’ before he left this morning. John continued down the road, picking up trash, sub consciously being drawn towards Mount Justice. They were all probably up by now, eating breakfast. There was no real reason to head home just yet. He didn’t need to eat, and if there was an emergency someone would have rung Fallout’s communicator. But no, it seems everything is quiet today. At least as quiet as Bay City got. John found it quite ironic that criminals still tried to pull the occasional bank robbery off, or sell any drugs. This was the so called ‘City of Heroes.’ Who robs a city filled with Super heroes? John shrugged to himself, and continued to work as he enjoyed the peace and quiet that plagued Bay City. ’Life isn’t all that bad.’ John thought to himself with a smile as he looked at the sky. There was an extra hop to the hero’s step as he continued to do his job. Perhaps he should change his alias to Janitor.