Professor McCarthy had a productive meeting with Headmistress McGonagall. He left the meeting feeling a bit more at ease. It was then, as he glanced at his watch, the same one he had owned since his seventeenth birthday, that it was nearly time for the train to arrive. On the train, darkness had long fallen, the students had changed into their robes and were readying to stop at the Hogsmead station. It wouldn't be until the students were partially up the path in the carriages, or around the bend of the lake, that they would see Hogwarts. Hogwarts, their home for the next several months, would be lit up awaiting them in anticipation. Astrid and Terra were holding hands excited. Terra had put away her notebook and watched at the darkness on the other side of the glass. Soon they'd be learning magic. Really learning it. Her heart pounded in anticipation. Her sister, Astrid, was also excited, but there was no fear in the older twin's heart. Finally the train stopped. The older students made their way to the carts and the first years were led to the boats by the school's game keeper and keeper of the keys. Terra, frowned at the boats, not wanting to get into it. She much more preferred keeping both her feet firmly on the ground she was named after. Astrid on the other hand happily climbed into a boat. "Do I have to?" She asked the gamekeeper quietly. He gave her a gently smile and nodded. With a deep trepidation she climbed into the boat after her sister.