[b]Atami[/b] - almost spooky Atami looked at the portal and instantly turned around. The entire situation had been strange and not trustworthy what so ever, and now they were expected to jump into some dark unknown just because a talking Natrelmon told them to. This was crazy. He faced the Reishund that had guarded and shown them the way, and swung his arm back into the air, before sending it crashing down into it's skull, likely breaking the bone with sheer force -- sending bone splinters from it's skull into it's brain. It's unsure if that would even do anything -- they were undead so maybe they could keep walking after that. Nevertheless, the Reishund collapsed and the strange aura that had surrounded it at first. Atami was just happy all the others had walked through the portal, so that none could see him deal with this 'threat' as Atami had come to see that there was something off. Likely, going through that portal would only lead to more troubles. He reared around once more, looking at the left over Natrelmon and attempting to pin-point what they'd do. It was unsuccesful, as Atami isn't so smart that he can effectively estimate what the reactions would be. But you could've bet on Atami being ready to give them the same response, his Mythari sharing the feeling and jumping off of Atami's shoulder and flying in a circle over the Natrelmon before flying back and landing nead Atami, it's tail swinging around vigorously. “I don't know about you, Aera, but I think it's time we get the hell out of this breeding place for the undead. That portal is a death trap and you know it.” Slowly Atami would back off towards a door, and then open it and head through -- unsure of the other talking Natrelmon's response to him murdering their undead companion. After that he'd turn around and start running to the exit, his Mythari trailing behind him in the air, it's wings spread wide and it's eyes set to kill. They made a left, right, right, another left and then headed straight -- they'd simply follow the signs that lead to the exit. They found themselves at the front of the building, where they had also entered. Quickly he threw the 'barricades' to the side only to find that some genius had also pushed a very heavy object in front. But luckily Atami could just reach over and open the door, then slide past the remaining barricades. He was just in time to find some old lady kicking major, heavy ass. Atami was impressed, but found her weapon choice to be somewhat awkward, where you can simply use a sword to cut a natrelmon in half, she opted for the chalk from time to time, which seemed like a waste of time to Atami when cutting them was faster and more efficient. He broke into the situation and hailed the two cops again, who were now also joined by some girl and the old lady it seemed. “Yoo, we found some undead, talking natrelmon which were friendly to us. They lead all of us to a portal, and everyone just jumped through.” He looked around the group to measure what they thought of this, before continueing. “After that I just smashed one of the Natrelmon's brains and went back here.”