Roleplay: [url=]Children of Lord Dracula[/url] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Maxwell Thiddlestone [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Max is always seen sporting his designer glasses and expensive custom tailored suits and sport jackets. Even when Max is causal he never misses the opportunity to dress sharply. He stands at 5'8'' and has a fit average body build. Hazel eyes and light brown hair color. He has a charming face and always the charming personality and smile. [b]Bio\history:[/b] Maxwell Thiddlestone was born to a middle class family in New England, his parents passed away when he turned eight and was raised by his mother's sister, Aunt Maria Wehlmberg. He was brought up in quite a christian house and was well behaved and mannered, as Max grew into teenage he started to take interest in reading and books, he then started to deviate into arts and the fine sensitive things. Maxwell hand nimble hands and a massively endless creative mind, he would participate in numerous school plays, sculpture contests and paintings galleries- all before he turned 20. He led an uneventful life, but an academically and creatively interesting and rich life. When he turned 18 he had left his Aunt's home to Study Architecture in London, United Kingdom. Them he further developed his senses for the fine arts and design, he had excelled both academically and socially, attending various seminars, side classes and fancy balls. Slowly he changed from the odd artist and more into a tasteful socialite and gentlemen. He would stop attending the freshmen parties all his colleagues would attend, all the wild raves, and instead visited art galleries and fancy classical theaters and parties. Throughout his life studying Architecture he would visit various European cities and capitals, parties in the fancy nights. Balls in Amsterdam, auction parties in Vienna, art gallery parties in Paris, and social charity nights in Rome. It was a wild time. When Maxwell turned 24 he was in his final year, he would graduate in November of that year right after he got back from his field assignment for his graduation project. He personally chose to visit Romania for his project, he took an interest in the classical Gothic architecture there and was most inspired and passionate by the ancient great houses and manors in the rural villages. He ended his visit to an ancient castle in the Carpathian Mountains, by the Tihuța Pass in Transylvania. The castle was said to be the home of an old Transylvania nobleman that goes by the name of 'Lord Dracula'. He'd heard the rumors about the Lord once he had rested in the nearby Inns, words of demons and unholy workings in the castle, Maxwell being the reasonable artist didn't fully dismissed those rumors and instead his inspiration and interest flourished. Now he was not only interested in the castle, but its own owner and inhabitant, Lord Dracula. [b]Skills:[/b] Great since of fashion, design, and art. Very sensitive and quite tasteful, he is a great analyst and designer of buildings and architectural spaces. He has a wide knowledge in lots of matters, a good intellect sits in his brain. [b]Specialty Power:[/b] Transfiguration// Maxwell is able to shapeshift into various dark animals, bats, ravens, wolves and the like. So far that was all he was able to transfigure into but hopes he will be able to one day change into different human forms. Enhanced reflexes, speed and immortality. [b]Other:[/b] When you are around Maxwell's presence think Amy Whinehouse jazzy mood, dimmed light, clinks of wine glasses and muffled seductive chatters.