Jurgen rushed home, eager to actually relax. He was feeling a bit better once he actually got home, but the stress, confusion, and excitement of the day had exhausted him. The cyborg knew he'd have to let Eve in, though, so he didn't go to bed. Instead he got himself a snack and a drink, and sat down, turning on the television. There was nothing good on, so he turned it off again, and just enjoyed his snack in silence. Once he was done, he got up and tried tidying up the place. It wasn't a disaster, but it could probably use a picking up. Then he decided that he would have time to do it tomorrow, and Jurgen laid down on the couch to relax. There was still nothing on the television, but he left it on for background noise as he relaxed, wondering what the hell was happening with his life. And what was up with the guy who had sent this android to him for testing? If nothing else, that person had delayed the inevitable, so the cyborg was grateful, but what could they want in return? If it was just a review or some bug reports or whatever that would be cool, but what if they wanted more? What if he had to pay them back for the robot? Some of her internals were worth millions. If they showed up soon, he'd be a dead man. Even if they let him take out a loan or something, creditors weren't the sort of people he wanted to deal with. He shuddered, but before his mind could get any further down that road, Jurgen was startled from his thoughts by the doorbell. He got up, turned off the television, and grabbed his knife. He had recognized Eve's voice, but that didn't mean much. He opened the door and waved his robot in, looking tense, obviously worried someone was going to try and get in or something. He relaxed pretty quickly once the coast was clear, though. And having had some time alone with his disturbing thoughts, the man was feeling a lot better. "Welcome home, Eve." he said, putting his knife away and locking the apartment up for the night. "I dunno if you do the whole sleeping thing, or if you're just gunna be up all night watching television. But if you do wanna sleep, or just lay down, or whatever, the couch folds out. My room's at the end of the hall on the left if you need me. I think I'm going to hit it." he said. The cyborg wasn't up for any more interacting right now. If Eve wanted to talk about things, she would have to wait until the next day. Or he supposed she could talk anyway. It wasn't like he could stop her. That made Jurgen sigh. He really had zero control over that android. She was a very accomplished fighter, designed to kick ass, and probably pretty good at chewing bubblegum. She could do literally whatever she wanted, and only an incredibly advanced security-bot could stop her. Or possibly a well-equipped hacker, but those didn't seem to exist. Not down here at least. It was then that he decided it would just be easier to pretend she was a person. She was supposed to be a robot, but she didn't act like one. Aside from lacking in experience, she could probably pass for a human as long as she wasn't punching straight through people, or tossing around guys twice her size like they were scarves. So person it was. If anyone asked, she could be his roommate. And on that note, Jurgen closed the door behind him. He sighed again once it whooshed closed, wondering how many times he had sighed in the past month. It was getting to be a thing with him, and he wasn't sure he liked it...