Name: Yukino Hanami Age: 23 Class: Priestess Weapon: Sacred Long Bow Kunai Knives Clothing: Standard White Haori, with larger than average butterfly sleeves. Standard Red Hakama, with a large bow on the front just below the bust. White Tabi, and two inch Geta. Height: 5'1" Appearance: [hider=Hanami][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Personality: A kind, sweet woman with a passion for helping others. She's never not doing something, and often feels like she isn't doing enough to help people. She had a serious nature, but is also very free-spirited and can be goofy depending on the situation. She doesn't like to let others know when something is bothering her, as she prefers not to have people worrying about her. For the most part, she is level-headed and soft spoken, unless someone is going against her wishes. She believes she knows what's best for herself, and others and expects people to listen to her. Due to her mostly sheltered life from outside people, she has very little experience with genuine friendships and love. History: Hana was born in a brothel to some poor, nameless woman who had been sold into slavery by her parents. Her mother didn't survive, and Hana would be kept as a servant until she could work on her own. Unlike some of the babies born in the brothel, she was given a chance at a better life when a High Priestess from a distant village came to take her, sensing a larger than average spiritual pool in the area. At first, she thought it would be one of the brothel girls that had barely come of age and were still 'pure', but instead she stumbled upon a girl no older than five years old mopping the hardwood floors of the brothel. Suddenly taken back by someone so young in the brothel, The High Priestess made plans to buy the young girl, though she could have probably succeeded in taking the girl since she was unsupervised. Instead of doing that, she sought out the person who owned the brothel, a pervy middle aged man who was reluctant to sell the girl. He had plans for her, but once The High Priestess named a fair enough price he budged. Not only taking Hana with her, she took the only other young girl in the brothel with her as well to save her. Honestly, she wanted to take them all, but she knew they were past saving for what she had in mind. When they arrived at the shrine, Hana was cleansed of all the filth she had been surrounded by from the start of her life. The High Priestess, Chihomi, settled the girls into their new home and prepared Hana for her original plans the moment she left the Brothel behind her. Chihomi knew if she left her there, her potential would be wasted and her spirit would stray from the correct path. Her goal was to build Hana up, so that she could one day take over her Shrine which was only a small, humble building with a few villagers following at the moment. During the first several years of their training, Hana learned how to perfect various tonics, spot herbs, and master her intuitive gift. Over the span of her childhood, Hana began to recognize Chihomi as the mother she never knew she was missing. She bonded to her almost immediately as Chihomi was sweet, and caring; Everything you would expect a good mother to be. The High Priestess began to recognize their relationship as well. Her training would continue for nearly two decades with Chihomi, where she would learn to shoot a bow and arrow with near impeccable accuracy, and utilize all of the spiritual knowledge Chihomi had passed down to her. The amount of followers the shrine had grew immensely over the twenty years she trained with Chihomi, and though it still looked humble they fixed the place up to be more than liveable. Shortly after her training was completed, the village was attacked by a band of Spider Demons. She and Chihomi fended them off successfully, but unknown to Hana, The High Priestess had been poisoned. The next morning she awoke to a normal day and headed to The High Priestess' chambers. There, Chihomi dismissed herself as High Priestess and told Hana she would go die somewhere far away from the village. She told them she had been poisoned and would be turning into a Demon herself soon, but she planned on killing herself before then. The rest of the Priests said nothing, and nodded obediently, even Hana. That was the day she inherited Chihomi's Shrine. Strengths: -A skilled archer having taken up the bow like a lot of the Shrine Maiden. She very rarely misses a shot. -Being of pure mind, body, and spirit she is especially resistant to dark forces, and demons. -Has the ability to heal herself and others. -Her intuition is like a sixth sense, letting her know exactly what she needs to know in most situations. -Enhanced Eye-sight, meaning she can see spirits, barriers, etc. -Misc. Spiritual abilities. Weakness: (two mental, three physical) -Stubborn, once she has made up her mind about something she will not change her stance on the issue. If she doesn't want to do it, you will have a hard time getting her to do it. She's somewhat of a know it all and very rarely admits to being wrong even if she is, simply because she isn't used to being wrong. The gift of a strong intuition has made her that way. Don't argue with it. -She hates to take a human life, and often hesitates before dealing a finishing blow. Afterwards, she becomes depressed and wonders if it was the correct thing to do. She would rather there be other means to end a dispute. -Unskilled in hand-to-hand combat due to her reliance on her bow. -Physically, she is on the weak end of the spectrum which makes her easy to overpower in close range combat. --Human frailty, she has no special abilities that make her superhuman. Likes: Children, Small Animals, Sunsets, Green Tea, Blue, Flowers, Sweet Smells, Sushi, Sweeping the Shrine Steps, Finding Herbs, Purification enchantments, Meditation, and Archery. Dislikes: Death, Rain, Being touched, Rudeness, Perverts, Bandits, Unnecessary fighting Dream: To run the best Shrine in Japan; To live in Peace Fear: To lose a loved one, but she has no one else she loves.