as the large being made it's way down the hall, a sound silently echoed down it towards it, the being stopped and turned to look back, with a droning sound it tried to decide what would be more important, to repair itself, or check to see if there was a threat heading towards it, the being stood there for a few seconds, if it was a threat, it would be a waste of time to go see if it was, so it would be better to repair itself then check it out, with this in mind the being made another droning sound before it returned it's view down the corridor that led to the repair bay, when it got there the doors were jammed, the being reeled back it's right arm and punched a hole in the middle of the door, it then pried the door open before heading to a repair droid that was still operational "I REQUIRE REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY" the being droned out to the repair droid, it's response was nothing more the a few bleeps and bloops, the large being then climbed up onto a table and lied down, the repair droid then began fixing it