[u]Ben Voss, Jago Javuant, Shannon Balore, Deborah Termellio[/u] And so the two were off! The village idiot and the young man. I'll let you, the reader, discern who is who. They trekked out of the training room, Ben sprouting a huge and expansive leaf from both of his hands, of which he used as umbrellas to cover both himself and Jago from the rain. Ben being the train's caboose and Jago leading the charge to wherever the young boy was taking them, which ended up being the lounge. Ben felt a large amount of internal strife at entering this building, as it seemed whenever he entered he was always yelled at for being racist in some fashion that he didn't know about. As they entered the leaves folded and retreated back into Ben's sleeves. And THEN as he entered the lights went out. Out of Ben was quiet for a moment, and remained still, concentrating, and eventually out of his hands grew small clovers that produced a vibrant green glow, making a small amount of green light. He had to concentrate to create the small structures, as they were genetically different from normal clovers, and had bioluminescence. He couldn't do this on a large scale, oh no. That would far to difficult, even for him. So he was forced to create the tiny plants on a scale no bigger than his hands, producing a small amount of light that glowed faintly in the dark and provided a place of mental safety for any of those who were afraid. Yo, what the fuck? One second Jago was about to whip around and give Big-Man one [i]hell[/i] of a beatdown, and now the fuckin' lights go out. Though, Jago found it funny as all hell. He started laughing. "Ooooooh shit!" No lights means no rules, baby! That means Jago can do whatever the hell he wants. The problem came when he realized he couldn't see either. No biggy. He put his hand out in front of him, and swiped it across. He crafted a thin, smooth, shield in front of himself. Good thing these shields give off light, right? It glowed enough to give Jago a lil bit of sight. His shield was like looking through a window! Look through it and you see shit! Jago looked around this surroundings. Uh, where was something to steal? The vending machine! Oh yes. All the drinks in that treasure chest are all Jago's! Herpaderp, his face is numb. Jago floated over to the vending machine. If this was a regular vending machine... Jago tilted his head and put his hand on the tilted side of his head. Thinking. Well, shit. Thinking wasn't his specialty. That was Debby's. Whom he is not. So Jago Javuant decided to take the short and sweet route! He grabbed a chair, and using his telekinesis to give him a little strength boost, he chucked the chair square through the glass frame of the vending machine and made a loud crashing sound as glass, liquids, and plastic bottles all hit the ground in a perfect symphony. Jago laughed like a maniac as he ran over to it. Oh boy. He certainly caused some damage here. Probably broke more things than he intended on. Didn't matter. It was time for the classic smash and grab! He ran over to it, and grabbed whatever wasn't broken already. Holding his prize against his chest like a madman. He didn't have time to look over his quarry, he just took off away from the scene of the crime. Oh boy, Adam is going to shit his pants after this one! Ben winced at the loud crashing sound, and turned to direct his light plant in Jago's direction, seeing him standing next to a shattered soda machine, laughing, and holding a Watermelon soda victoriously. Ben suddenly had a very powerful urge to throw Jago into the sun for his hypocrisy, but resisted it as to be the bigger man, and watching him scamper off to god knows where. As he looked around, peering through the darkness, he was able to see the shapes of more people in the darkness with his safety-plant. He waved a hand, causing the little light in it to go back and fourth in his hand with it, as if it were dancing with him. He couldn't verbally greet them, instead, he was forced to use body language to convey his thoughts. And it wasn't like he could write. The darkness coupled with the broken-ness of his board made that difficult. He couldn't quite tell who these people were though. His vision wasn't the best, he often needed glasses to read small text after all. He hoped they would say something. [i]What the hell?[/i] Deborah thought to herself as a crash of glass and other pieces echoed through the room ([b]Someone is attempting to break into the vending machine[/b]) and totally caught her off guard. She couldn't help but stop and look... She saw a large shape in the darkness. Between Nicholas's flames, and the light this stranger was giving off, Deborah got a pretty good idea of what this stranger looked like. That body type... That looked exactly like Ben's, the man who saved them this afternoon. "Ben?" She asked as she approached, Shannon was silently following after Deborah. Yup. Getting a close look at him definitely told her it was him. Her gaze bounced between him and the vending machine ([b]It was broken recently[/b]) [i]You know, power, I'm not even going to complain when you tell me the obvious anymore.[/i] ([b]Great[/b]). Deborah rolled her eyes. "Did you see who did this, Big Ben?" She casually asked. Shannon walked to Debby's side and crossed her arms. She was irritated by this turn of events, and even more irritated that some fool decided to trash the vending machine. Like, seriously, can people now think with their dicks for a few seconds? Shannon rolled her eyes. Well, people are stupid, and people don't think. Like at all. Very well. It looks like Ben was before them. Just standing around, being big. Debs decided to grill him about what happened to the vending machine. Ben waved to them faster, hearing Deborah's voice, and did what looked like a jumping jack wave thing. He pointed his finger up in an idea, and reached into his pocket, causing one of the lights in his hands to go out momentarily, before he pulled out his hand again, brightening the room slightly again as one of the lights came back into full show. He reached forward towards Deborah, his hand full of cotton to be given to Shannon. When she questioned who did it, Ben scratched the back of his head, trying to figure out how to convey who it was. He thought for a minute, before he motioned to his waist, trying to convey that the person was young or short, and then he thought about how to explain Jago's appearance farther. He reached forward and as gently as he could grabbed Deborah by the wrist and place his finger on the skin of her arm, attempting to convey Deborah's ethnicity of being African-American. He then did a motion akin to that of the star war's force concept, by pointing to his forehead and then reaching out toward a random object in the room as if he was going to telekinetically pick it up. He then also grabbed a pool stick and twirled it as quickly as he could creating a fan like shield in front of him, eventually ending up with him dropping it with a loud clacking sound. Nailed it. ... Fortunately for Ben, Deborah was able to fill in the blanks quite well with her power. She looked on, and watched his display ([b]Ben is an idiot and he doesnt have his whiteboard[/b]). Okay, okay, he was trying to explain something. But what? He motioned waist high ([b]Culprit was short, far shorter than him[/b]), he grabbed her wrist and pointed at her ([b]Culprit is the same skin color as me[/b]) - Deborah was going to ignore the racial implications of this gesture, just this once -, he made a gesture like he was a telekinetic ([b]Culprit has a telekinetic or gravity power[/b]), and the most confusing clue of them all came! Ben grabbed a pool cue and started spinning it around, and the damn thing flew out of his hands ([b]Culprit can make a shield, and Ben is still an immeasurable idiot[/b]). If it wasn't for Deborah's ability to infer, she would have no damn clue what Ben was talking about. Fortunately her power has gotten her through these situations before. Now she complied all the clues she had and thought this sounded mighty familiar... Her power pieced together this puzzle for her and filled in the blanks. ([b]Ben is most likely referring to Jago Javuant, my younger cousin. Who used a chair to break into the vending machine and ran off[/b]) God damn that little boy. Deborah clenched her fists and had to restrain herself for a moment. That boy needs to learn some sense before he gets in even more trouble. He was already tossed in the detention center for something stupid. "Ugh!" She let out a growl as she face palmed, gently rocking her head left to right. Shannon raised an eyebrow. "... Found your culprit?" "Yeah..." Deborah let out a sigh and found her inner-zen. She let her emotions slip for a secret there, and she can't handle anything if she's all angry. "It's most likely Jago... going off what I know of him already." She nodded her head and turned back towards Ben, "Thank you, Ben, I'm going have to have a word with Jago real fast." Ben simply nodded at this, and pointed in the direction which Jago had run off to, hoping to be of some aid to his friend. As Deborah left, Ben looked over to Shannon, and offered the hand full of cotton he had been holding out for her to take, per the tradition he was establishing to give cotton to Shannon whenever they met because he was a nice guy and he was totally going to help her make a cotton-mecha thing. With Debby gone, Shannon crossed her arms and stayed near Ben. She didn't know what to do really with all these people she hated. Well, maybe except Ben. She had a soft spot for him. Which is the only soft spot she'll be getting for anyone here that isn't Deborah. But whatever. She had little else to do but play around with all the cotton Ben's giving her. It wasn't long before Deborah caught up with Jago, who had planted his little black ass on the nearest table, with everything he had just [i]stole[/i] placed on the table. He was just looking at her all calmly... with a bottle of watermelon soda in his hand as he drunk it. "Little boy," Deborah started off as she facepalmed out of sheer embarrassment. "do you know how many stereotypes you are acting our?" She pointed at the bottle It was a moment or two before it had dawned on Jago... He thought about it for a second, then realized that he was drinking watermelon soda. Then his eyes widened like he's seen a ghost. "Oh fuck!" Jago threw the bottle to the ground and let it spill onto the carpet. Oh god dammit! It was like Big-Man had rubbed off on him. Deborah growled out of sheer frustration. That's it. She was tired of letting her cousin run around like he was some damn thug. She latched onto his wrist with a death grip and pulled him out of the chair with her greater strength. "If you can't act like you have some damn sense for a few [i]seconds[/i] then you're going to stay with me." She dragged Jago back to her group.