[quote=So Boerd]Were done in the name of Communism, which has as a core tenet the denial of God. If Communism had as a core tenet "Christ was God", you'd call it a religion. The Thirty Years' war and Sack of Constantinople prove that most "religious" conflict is the result of secular reasons anyway. They would have found another reason to fight.Also, you don't get to change the definition of religion.[/quote] Denying God with the purpose of treating the Dictator like a God. Nothing in atheism involves worshipping a man like a God. Also, I'm not changing the definition of religion. I'm just noting that the actions of communism tend to be very similliar to the way religion acts. [quote=Protagonist]Communism is inherently atheistic, though atheism is not inherently communist (objectivism is atheist and basically the opposite of Marxism).[/quote] That's a good way of wording it that I hadn't thought of. [quote=Protagonist]However, what Communism does reflect two things: 1. We don't need religion to create dictatorships or worship people. 2. Atheists who believe that religion is detrimental to human progress sometimes commit the same crimes associated with religious extremists.[/quote] 1. That is true, but it does make it far easier to do so. And acts as a way to get loyalty from people you would otherwise not have the loyalty of. 2. That's also true, but it doesn't mean religion doesn't function as a way to worsen/amplify humanity's more violent and barbaric behaviours and tendencies.