"Ahn...Vora," a confused looking Furzai security officer managed to grunt out of his wolf-like maw as he looked between the ID card and the dark cloaked figure that stood in front of him; a mysterious man waiting for the go ahead to continue past the military checkpoint out of the spaceport that he had landed in upon reaching the planet of Elistore by way of a small IGCP transport cruiser. Well, the image on the card indeed looked just like him, only there was one minor problem. Instead of a face to identify him it was simply a sleek, dark blue featureless looking mask, the same one that he wore now. Wearing a mask when he needed to be identified...what sort of man is he? Oh right, supposedly the captain of a ship called the Exeralune. For all he knew this was some random hobo who had stolen a mask of the same type and wanted to pull a prank. But then again he did have access to a valid ID of this so called captain and exited an IGCP controlled ship, the government in control over this planet and many others. This man passed the most rigorous tests he had at his disposal on his initial, double, and triple checks. This was after the previous security agent had done his own tests and then called in the officer, who supposedly knew how to deal with this type of situation. To put it quite simply he did not. Nobody had the nerve to pull what he had just pulled during the entire time this aging Furzai had stood in command over the spaceport. "Ugh...well...y-yeah. Whatever. Looks like you pass," he finally answered, scratching the top of his furry head in defeat. The man passed every other test and was indeed arriving at the scheduled time, so despite the odd behavior there wasn't much he could do. He couldn't hold up the captain of a ship if the story did check out. Supposedly the Exeralune was newly completed after being a mere prototype that was on the verge of being scrapped a couple months ago, but was saved at the last minute by being stolen and then later returned with upgrades built in. Looks like the ship was as odd as the captain. They were a match made in Chahara Vee if he ever saw one. "This better not come back to bite me in my furry buttocks," he security officer thought to himself grumpily as he watched the man give a friendly wave, scoop up his ID card, and then casually stroll out the door as if he owned the place while slipping the card into the dark abyss of the folds that made up his uniform that covered him from head to toe. ******************** A lot of the inhabitants of this old styled marble city of Neress, their capital, turned their heads to look at beautiful white haired Selvan that was walking at a brisk pace through the streets, a sight they didn't see every day around these parts. Despite all appearances, however, and probably unknown to the gawkers, this Selvan was a male who was blessed, or perhaps cursed depending on how you look at it, with feminine good looks surpassing almost any other woman on the streets, although in this instant it wasn't that impressive given how it was originally Furzai controlled and most Furzai weren't known for their beauty pageants. The fancy looking outfit that he wore also put theirs to shame. Not that it was his goal to show off, in fact he'd greatly prefer not to have drawn so much attention. This was just how he always looked back on his home planet and he didn't exactly have to time to reinvent his style while in the middle of a mission to assassinate an evil, mysterious man cloaked in a dark uniform from head to toe, including a sleek looking mask that he always wore, not allowing anyone to know what he truly looks like. Supposedly he was impersonating a captain or something, so that he could murder all of the IGCP crewmembers assigned to it by blowing the ship sky high. Obviously he needed to catch this vile man before he could reach the hanger near the outskirts of the capital. His pace increased, impressive given the mobility of a Selvan that he possessed. At last he spotted the man in question exit the smaller hanger and begin on his way to the hanger containing the Exeralune. Not wanting to create a scene he stealthily followed in step with him from a safe distance, waiting until they would reach an area of the city where not many people traveled, and then he'd force him into an alleyway and finish him off. He wouldn't screw up this mission, his very first as a bounty hunter after leaving his well off home at Finora. He could make a living on his own without his parents and make the world a better place doing it. They'd see. ******************** "Infiltration successful. Start planetary bombardment on our mark," A man covered in silver body armor said into his mouthpiece as he exited the forest, now overlooking the majestic marble city of Neress nestled below him. Behind him were a group of roughly twenty others, all armed to the teeth, and from their body language were acting like a predator stalking it's prey. They looked towards the large hanger containing the Exeralune and smiled underneath their helmets, revealing a sharp row of teeth underneath their grey lips. They didn't know what was so important about this ship but they were under orders to have it captured. That's all the motivation that they needed to get to the pillaging and destroying of the surrounding city to make sure nobody was around to stop them in this mission. Not even it's captain could make it out of here alive, having a bounty hunter hired to take him out before he even reached the ship. Despite being young, that Selvan probably had the skills to take him out. How well could someone fight back against a Selvan if all they do is stand around giving orders all day? Even if he miraculously survived the assault he would still probably die in the bombardment. Not that someone as insignificant as him was even worth that much effort, but it didn't hurt to be thorough. ******************** Security personnel M'rayl Lithardeon nervously strolled around the holding room just outside of hanger bay 3 where the Exeralune, the ship she was going to be stationed on, was being fixed up for boarding procedures. Around her was a colorful group made up of multiple different alien races, obvious ones such as humans, faera, and gurran, but also some others that she had never gotten the chance to meet in person before such as a tough looking Blumn, who she heard were experts at close range combat. "What are you looking at?" The man had said gruffly at her, so she had to quickly avert her gaze and instead focus on some other people. She couldn't help it that she was interested in who her new crewmates, who she'd be spending a lot of time with these next few years, were going to be. She wanted to go up to talk to one but she didn't know who to start with, feeling anxiety settle in even worse then before just as she almost made it over to them to say hi. Would "hi" be too casual? Should she salute instead? There were so many different cultures to consider, although they all had read through a packet explaining the proper default etiquette to use for others. But what if she hadn't read something right and makes someone deeply offended?! Her mind was racing at the possibilities. She couldn't make a bad first impression or else this would be a long trip. Setting her eyes on another alien standing near here, she took a deep breath and made her way over to them. "Hi, my name is M'rayl, and I'm a security agent," she said, motioning to her grey colored uniform...which actually made her position painfully obvious, so might be foolish to have introduced herself like that in the first place. She mentally hit herself as beads of sweat began to form on her clammy skin. "Uh, so anyways, what's your name?"