[quote=Blackbeard] Reading through the OOC a bit has this had a recent die off? It jumped from 4 days to 23 hours so there have been large patches of inactivity and I don't want to waste my time designing an entire plane of existence if this will never properly get off the ground, which I hope it does. Of the two Planes available (Pit of Sorrows/Nightmare Steppes) I would like the steppes, if a human side isn't available. [/quote] Terminal is indeed correct in this case. With RPs such as this there is often a massive surge in OOC posts during the planning phase, but apparent activity seems to drop when writing posts comes around. While we aren't super active on the forums, the chatroom linked in the OP is pretty much always super active; it's just a bit more convenient for us to share ideas and such. I'm still here and watching, as are most (if not all) the players who are still in the RP. I wouldn't worry about activity. Give us something to talk about ;)