Shor'Gen was bathing in the stimulus. His sound-based vision was going wild on him, so many different voices and so many different scents. He was excited to be assigned as Lead Physician aboard a new ship named the Exeralune. The assignment officer had told him that the ship was fresh out of the experimental phase, which further excited him. In the two sets of smaller claws below his primary ones, he held a large case, and he had another container strapped to his back. He sensed something approaching him from behind, and he turned to face M'rayl at roughly the same time she addressed him. He noticed she was perspiring, by her scent, and made a mental note of this. "Hello, Security Officer M'rayl." Shor'Gen replied in his incredibly unfitting voice, his sensory tendrils swaying with the words. It was smooth, like that of a perfectly calm human (if not a bit monotone sounding), and one could find it unnerving how clear it came out despite what Shor'Gen appeared to be. "My name is pronounced Shor'Gen. I am assigned as Lead Physician for this vessel." He continued. Given his extremely unique body shape, he didn't possess a proper uniform, instead having his rank marks painted directly onto his carapace in easy to see locations. On his shoulders were pinned lapels with the five stars that denoted him as lead physician, and he was wearing his clear de-atmoshperic head covering, the sensory tendrils on his head poking out through sealed ports on the helmet. He was standing in his tripod stance, so he loomed over M'rayl by a good two feet His head leaned forward, almost awkwardly and uncomfortably close to M'rayl, before he leaned it backwards again. "You're perspiring, and your heart rate's elevated. Is something the matter, Security Officer M'rayl?" he asked in a somewhat concerned voice. He clasped his primary claws together, and placed them under his head.