He wanted to ask her a million questions, but realized now might not be the time. Instead he turned his focus to the event that just took place, his cold fingers reaching out to turn the small nob on the dial, bringing in the soft hum of the radio and calming his nerves instantly. He looked in the rear view mirror to see if he could make out the outline of the ghost and he saw nothing. A soft sigh under his breath had him questioning everything that took place - much like he did every time his power was brought to the surface. What am I? Who am I? What the fuck was that? He looked over at her, "You'll have to give me directions to your place and then... tell me if you knew those guys tonight. I assume you didn't, but I wanted to make sure you weren't familiar with them." He rubbed the back of his neck, his hair rising again at the very thought of their power - elemental. "Like they rose from the fucking ground after the lightening struck... impossible"