Lucina felt the battle meditation, the dark side had always felt like a disease or a sickness and this was no different. But she kept her head and kept focused on the task at hand. Cutting through the next door Lucina once again found a half naked female shackled to the wall. "What is with the sith and keeping half naked women around." She muttered, this one had been beaten pretty badly and had a nasty burn mark on her possibly from a light saber. Lucina first healed her and then let her free. After letting her free she felt the blast that hit the upper levels and her eyes went wide, turning to Kast She said. "Ask this one what unit shes from, i have to go." Her voice had urgency and concern mixed within it. She didn't even wait for a reply as she ran out of the room at full sprint. Running through the bunker the only sound were her feet and the sounds of the occasional firefight, some of the sith forces were in a fighting retreat. Helping pinned down troopers where she could. But at the sight of the jedi some sith charged her in a suicidal rage or charged her grenades in hand but nothing a force push back into their allies couldn't change. Finally reaching the upper level she found the troopers who came with Master Rorwoorr standing around him, one was even looking at his wounds but Lucina cut in pushing the trooper to the side. "I got it." She said and started healing her own master.