The condition of Ryton changed ever since that day in court when I was a child. I was expecting a sudden revival of the group with a massive riot taking over the capital or some other crazed and arbitrary fashion. However, it was not so. The Resistance was careful, plotting and planning every move that they made. Not wanting to be seen as the enemy by the general populace, the Resistance planted seeds of doubt within the minds of many and slowly cultivated it until it sprouted and took root. Slowly, incidences started to rise up and the world was divided as each placed their trust in either the Council or the Resistance and tossed the blame on the opposing side. It took fifteen years before a full on war started to take place between the two sides as groups of people and even a few factions turned towards the Resistance. Most believe I took on the side of the Council due to my grandfather’s position as the Grand Councilman. But they are wrong, this war is personal. I will catch those who wronged my parents, I will stop those corrupted Poets no matter what. --- “So, what is this woman like? Is she really as harsh as they say?” A boy that comparatively looked like he was in his early teens using Earth standards. Similar to the other young boys and girls in the room, he had silver eyes and wore a simple green t-shirt, pants and boots. “Seriously, is the Grand Councilman’s granddaughter supposed to train us or something? Shouldn’t she—I don’t know—be off being some type of scholar or something?” “Knock it off Kyle.” Another boy similar in age but taller in stature said. “We don’t want any trouble on our first day here. We aren’t kids in the academy anymore, this is our future now so don’t screw off.” “You know what Chris? I’m tired of your high and mighty attitude.” Kyle said in a scoffing tone as he slowly made is way towards Kyle. “Unlike your family heritage, mine was bred for the military.” Stopping a few feet in front of Chris, Kyle continued, missing the sound of a door opening and quietly close behind him. “Six generations of military men and women in my family. But what about you? You’re just the son of a botanist, not a fighter so don’t act like you’re some body high and mighty. We are a people of tradition and set ways so why don’t you leave while you have the chance before the real fighters start to get rough.” “Hey, at least I’m not the son of the man who got faction four blown up.” Chris said with a slight uncaring shrug as he turned around and started to make his way to the front of the classroom. “Turn around and say that again one more time. I dare you.” Kyle said with a balled up fist as he quickly made his way towards Chris. However, after a few paces a firm grip on his shoulder stopped him in his track and forcibly turned around. “This ends now Anderson or both you and Mr. Cullingham will be seeing me after class today. This is my one and only warning, for all of you.” A woman with the appearance of being in her young twenties said gazing first at Kyle and then towards the rest of the class. “You guys are not in the academy anymore. You guys are here training for your real lives, your future in the military so you better get your act straighten up immediately or don’t think about showing up for class tomorrow. Do you understand Anderson?” “Yes Ms. Bennett.” Kyle said and then made his way to his desk and gave a menacing glare towards Chris before sitting down. With a nod, Elysia started to make her way towards the front of the classroom as the trainees made their way towards their desks. Her eyes were sill bright and silver in appearance as they were in her youth. Her brown hair now was infused with reddish highlights that blended into her brown hair as it rested with a slight wave a bit below her shoulders. Her body structure was still on the small side compared to most women but she held herself up with unwavering confidence that made up for her petite size. She could already tell that this group of trainees would be a stubborn group to train and the rivalry between Chris and Kyle would make it even difficult. However, she was optimistic about both of them, as she was for all of her trainees past and present, but she knew that optimism and hopeful thinking wouldn’t solve anything between the two, or any problem for a matter of fact. Only action would solve a problem. --- “And you wouldn’t believe. After they were dismissed for the day, guess what the two of them were doing?” Elysia said with a small laugh as she sat among a small group of friends at a bar. “The two idiots were at each other again. I would have given Anderson and Cullingham a few days, maybe even a week but seriously within the hour after class was dismissed the two were causing ruckus right outside of their sleeping quarters.” “Seriously, you would have thought the two would have been wise enough to at least take it off site or something like we did while we were young. It’s harder for the instructors to find out that way.” A man a few years older than Elysia said with a slight chuckle. “Hey, first off there was never evidence that proved that event ever occurred nor were we ever caught. Secondly, you better not be giving my students your lovely words of wisdom.” Elysia said with a sarcastic undertone as she stood up and readied herself to leave. “I’m going to have enough trouble keeping those two in line without you mucking things up Carter.” “Alright Alright, I’ll keep my wonderful influence away from the new trainees.” Carter said in a joking manner as he and the rest of the people at the table followed Elysia out the bar. “Anyways I’ve been busy perfecting the new training program for those who enter the advanced training course.” “That great, did you get a chance—“ Before Elysia could finish her statement, multiple pings could be heard throughout the group as Elysia and a few other members of her group pulled out a touchscreen cell phone type of device. A holographic woman with short blonde hair and grey eyes spoke on each device in a monotone voice. “We have just received a distress call from the Capital and your presence is required at Headquarters immediately. Debriefing will commence in fifteen minutes, do not be late.” After a short beep, the hologram disappeared and Elysia was alone with her friends once again. “Seriously, can’t we ever get some time off?” Emma said looking between Carter and Elysia. “We’ll see the rest of you guys later.” After quickly saying goodbye, the trio quickly made their way to Headquarters. Although each faction had their own military headquarters, the one at faction eight was the biggest and most structured among the rest holding both the world’s top military school as well as the military leaders of the world. As they entered the main building, Elysia could tell that something serious was happening as she watched the buzzing energy within the building. “The kids might be lucky enough tomorrow and have a substitute teacher tomorrow.” Elysia said as she entered a conference room with Carter and Emma along with a few familiar and unfamiliar faces. Elysia’s only hope was that the Council wasn’t the target. It would be risky for the Resistance to go after but it would cause a hindrance for the factions if they did so. Not only that, it could become problematic for her grandfather.