[b]Name:[/b] Pandora Agent "Jack Smith", Agent #[REDACTED] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Sunglasses][img=http://i.imgur.com/AnmEAO5.jpg][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 28. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] Jack is a no nonsense, level headed member of the same Organization that created the Supernatural Extermination Squad. His primary objective is to observe and report on squad members, compiling as much data as possible on their physiology and psychology, regularly engaging members in regular conversation and interviews, and if they consent, physical examinations. His second primary objective is to accompany them in the field, providing support as deemed necessary. Jack is the guy who calls in cleanup crews and scientists to collect the bodies of whatever's dead or crippled. His secondary objective is to keep as much of the team as alive an intact as possible. Naturally, his primary objective means living at the Pandora Complex in close proximity to beings that may or may not be able to make Jack explode with a casual thought. This does not please Jack. [b]Skills/Powers:[/b] Despite only having physical abilities of an athletic human, Jack is a skilled marksman, demoman, and emergency medic, with notable observational skills. Additionally, he has a sizable budget and some degree of R&D access. As a human, it's necessary for him to plan fights and use highly specialized gear picked out in advance. Plastic explosives are shipped to the Complex fairly regularly. [b]Other Things of Interest:[/b] Despite the necessity of a wide arsenal, Jack has one constant companion: a handgun resembling a bulkier 1911A1, designed to fire specialized armor piercing, explosive incendiary rounds, capable of punching a hole in a human torso the size of a cantaloupe. Jack's still not entirely sure it's enough to injure the tougher beings.