[hider=Mint (In weapon select mode)][IMG=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/216/1/d/sync__faye_the_robot_rabbit_by_extvia-d2jytq8.jpg][/hider] Name: Mintokna District, Operations Overseer, I.D. 2914-483-BN (Nickname: Mint) Age: 38 Gender: Female Race: Crism Alignment: Mercenary Weapon Preference: Melee, Short Range Weapon(s): S.M.R.T. Close Quarters Shield System: Custom ordered by Mint, this shield system involves ten floating defensive ceramic panels, able to withstand most physical and magical attacks. They are easily damaged though, and can only be repaired outside of combat. Also, Mint's power reserves and mental processes only allow two to be effectively controlled at a time, unused panels folding into her back. Her combat style is largely defensive, tiring and frustrating her opponents until exhausted, then finishing them with a powerful attack. On another note, they have an effective range of 2.5 meters from her body. Each individual panel also doubles as a melee weapon, with razor sharp micro-vibrating cutting edges. Personality: Normally, Mint is calm and reserved. During a mission though, she becomes cold, calculating and vicious, a product of her extensive indoctrination and training from her superiors. She will throw the lives of her squad and civilians away if need be, if it means completing the mission. Mint is ferociously loyal to NTC, and too brain washed to think differently of them, no matter how persuasive the evidence to the contrary is. Bio: Former Team Leader of the Whirling Dervishes (who specialized in martial arts, and stealth infiltration), she was chosen at a young age by Dissident Prevention Operations (due to being an unusually devout follower of M.O.T.H.R., and her lack of sanctity for life) on Tagslo to be a Rampancy Vanguard, specialized four man units who track down and eliminate dangerous free thinkers in NTC society. Mint has always been a Team Leader, pushing her team mates to the peak of combat prowess, and was feared for her swift, brutal justice on those who dared resist M.O.T.H.R., boasting a 100% mission success rate. Once in her career, she even met with the Progeny and the illusive M.O.T.H.R. herself in person, deeply honored to meet the lives she was devoted to defending. As a result of her illustrious career, she quickly rose through the ranks, achieving a high distinction among her peers and becoming an Operations Overseer, NTC commanders who co-ordinate the war against the resistance faction, Orphaned Fighters. It was at this time that Mint discovered that her older sister Yava was a known OF associate (in fact, Yava was a top OF lieutenant, on a mission to gather an army to retake Tagslo from their Progeny overlords). Mint lead a raid on their former headquarters, and confronted Yava. She had been training in combat, and the two engaged each other, with Yava successfully managing to defeat Mint, severing her legs from her body. Unable to bring herself to kill her younger sister, Yava fled off world that very day instead, and disappeared. Mint was treated for her injuries, and burnt with fury at her sister's escape, the only failed mission Mint has ever participated in, and was granted permission to leave the planet and track her down to neutralize her. It was this time that she gathered other Crism Vanguards and formed the Whirling Dervishes, with one goal in mind: Eliminate Yava at any cost. After intercepting an OF frigate and learning of Yava's location on Xenafor (executing the crew for dissidence promptly afterwards), Mint ordered her team to begin pursuit, eager to exact revenge on Yava. It wasn't long on the surface, however, that the team was killed during an attack on a well known crime lord, necessary to procure funding for their mission. Mint managed to eliminate the target, by sacrificing her team to their overwhelming forces without blinking an eye, and collected the bounty for herself. She currently operates solo, and her location is unknown.