A faint but familiar hiss denoted the opening of the dorm room door - causing Thessalia's eyes to dart from the page over to the displayed time and then to the open door itself; the time having told her that it could not be the Colonel who had announced his soon-to-be arrival earlier for precisely 1600 hours. The fact that it was still two minutes until then meant that it had to be someone else - which narrowed the list of possibilities down to the third member of Squad One, Roman. Thessalia's thought process turned out to be correct - the American stood just past the doorway for a moment, scanning his surroundings whilst receiving a simple nod from her before he headed straight for the most tucked-away chair in the room. Turning to face her book once again, the Swiss noted the time again - a mere minute remaining until the Colonel's arrival which would undoubtedly be on time down to the second - and let the holodisplay fade away; just moments before the same hiss was heard once again. "Alright cadets, [i]line up[/i]!" came the immediate order from Colonel Landsfeldt; not even having waited for the door to fully open and just barely avoiding to clip it on the way inside. His words got an immediate reaction from all three of the room's occupants - within scant seconds, Richard, Roman and Thessalia all were lined up and standing at attention. A careful observer would be quick to note that all three had a slight difference in their stances - Richard was shaking off the after-effects of his interrupted nap whilst maintaining his form; Roman was fighting the urge to just bolt and run like mad; Thessalia meanwhile keeping her gaze fixed on the Colonel - though it took a surprising amount of willpower to suppress an involuntary shiver when the experienced soldier's piercing eyes met hers, even when there was no reason to fear. He was hardly the kind of superior that one simply got used to. The words "At ease" could hardly stand in a starker contrast to the voice in which they were spoken, a sharp bark accompanying them that caused all three squad members to tense up for a moment before they took up a more relaxed stance. As the Colonel then spoke, it was as if he was reading their thoughts right out of the three's heads - even as he announced that from tomorrow onward, the missions would commence again; the words following these confirming the previously held suspicions - Squad One was getting reinforcements. The three current members all held differing opinions of this news, though no surprise - in Thessalia's case, her thoughts were separated between questions of how the squad composition would look like and faint worry of whether the same friction between the individual members as last time would appear. Those thoughts, meanwhile, came to a halt when the Colonel turned back around to address the waiting members in the hallway, telling them to get inside whilst already heading out himself. A faint relief came over all of them when he left - such was the tension that Colonel Landsfeldt mere presence evoked. The attention, in turn, fell upon the two that stepped through the open door - Wolfgang Feuer and Sasha, as they would introduced themselves. Of the two, the German - both his name and the way he pronounced it making it obvious to a native speaker of the language - made a more noticeable appearance - he stepped up, looked around and then began to speak; wasting little time in making himself known. Sasha, meanwhile, was more subdued - measured steps and, particularly compared to the previous introductee, calm, she seemed more the planning, fore-thinking kind compared to the quick-footed Wolf, as he preferred to be called; the presumable Russian, judging from voice and name once again, received a simple nod for an answer to her question regarding the Colonel. Of the two, it would appear that Wolfgang's attitude fell on more dissatisfaction, judging by the small drop of the corners of Richard's lips that Thessalia noticed out of the corner of her eyes - Roman meanwhile no doubt already trying to edge his way out of the newcomers' attention on the other side of the Englishman. The A.W.E.'s that they piloted, meanwhile, immediately set Thessalia's mind into gear - Helios, high speed attacks, and Ulanova, long range fire support. Combined with the already present three units, that would be enough to allow a number of squad-level mission types somewhat effectively - the question was whether the pilots would work just as well together; a worrying prospect considering the unintelligible mutter coming from her immediate right. Richard was the first of the three to introduce himself - and took over Roman's part, too. The Englishman held on to his arm, no doubt having noticed the American slowly inching away. Thessalia sent a quick glance their way - caught in the immediate spotlight thanks to Richard, Roman stood stiff; the faintest traces of shivering starting to make themselves noticeable. If it went on any longer, he would most likely break into a full sprint through the door and as far away as in any way possible. Knowing this, Thessalia spoke up right afterwards: "Thessalia Minari, Squad Sergeant and pilot of Wirbelwind's MKS-19C Hagelsturm. I'll be providing cover and covering fire," she said, her eyes shifting from Richard and Roman over to Wolf and Sasha; her voice retaining its usual quiet calm manner and lack of audible accent in any way. Fortunately, the immediate attention moved from the introductions to matters of comfort as Wolf headed to get changed into more comfortable clothes whilst Sasha headed for the nearest chair; Richard seating himself down on his usual spot on the setee where he would soon after be joined by the returning Wolf. Giving a telling look to Roman - who was no doubt already figuring out the fastest way to extricate himself from this situation in which he was faced with strangers that had at least a passing interest in him - Thessalia took a seat beside Sasha; in turn leaving three open places - beside Richard, beside herself or outside the small circle altogether. A brief glance was all the gave to discourage the choosing of the latter - whilst it was no doubt the easiest way for now, Roman had to know that it was no long-term choice. At Richard's words, Thessalia turned her briefly distracted attention back to the others - both interested in the answer to the Englishman's question as well as taking note of the fact that Wolf indeed seemed more relaxed than in uniform whilst Sasha too did not take long to make herself more comfortable. For the moment, at least, things were getting along well.