Among the various personnel of Exeralune, there was one figure in a suit of armor that had on him a spear, a sword that was missing a blade, a strange rifle, and an oddly shaped dagger. However the truth was far stranger then this figure's appearance; the suit of armor was but a mere puppet for the weapons, all of which were alive. "I believe she is suffering from something called 'sexual arousal', mister tentacle eyes" one of the weapons, the spear Gungnir spoke up "[i]God[/i] I hope not" the sword, Excalibur replied to his comrade "look, she's probably just nervous. I mean let's be honest here people; we do kind of look like a pack of thugs. We don't really paint a picture of a group of adventures out to go explore in the land or rainbows and unicorns" "[b]Unicorns!!!!![/b]" a high pitched voice cried out "Well fuck, I just walked right into that didn't I?" Excalibur asked A deep voice chuckled and answered him with "yes, yes you did" The high pitched voice from before continued "WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! We're going to find a whole bunch of unicorns and ride them across the rainbow bridge to dream valley!!!" "Zwill! Unicorns don't exist!" Excalibur yelled at the now named dagger; Zwill "Nuh uh, they do exist. We saw one before" Excalibur sighed "I can't believe I have to go over this again" he mumbled before continuing in a clearer voice "Zwill, that wasn't a unicorn; that was a normal horse. It's 'horn' was just a knife that was stuck in it's head. As you most likely don't remember; the pointy part of a unicorn's horn points outward. While with this horse, it was the other way around. Also, and this part is pretty important so try to keep up, it was dead" Zwill began to sniff " fuzzy unicorns?" "I'm going to have to say no" It was then that the deeper voice spoke up again "now, now Excalibur, let's not be too hasty" "Oooooh no Formalhaut, don't you start with me" Excalibur warned the gun, now known as Formalhaut "I have [i]no[/i] idea what you're talking about Excalibur. I just think that it's too early to dash poor Zwill's hopes" "No! Don't do this Formalhaut!" "In fact, I know a special song that can summon a unicorn, if you can believe hard enough" "Really?" Zwill's voice screamed 'wide eyes with sparkles in them' "You know no such song, [b]there is no song that can possible do that!!!!![/b]" "Well...there's only one way to find out; we have to sing it, together" Thinking quickly, Excalibur devised a foolproof plan to save them from the fate the the mad gun Formalhaut would inflict upon them "look Zwill; it's the floor!" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" the dagger squealed "a floor!" And just like that, he had forgotten all about the magical unicorn song Excaibur let out a sigh of relief "that was close. Everyone here owes me their sanity." Meanwhile, Formalhaut was chuckling like mad