[b]God[/b] [hider=Kun][center][b]Name:[/b] Kun, Queen of the Sea [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LoklNj_45xM/SrE1rARaLjI/AAAAAAAAAeA/MsQXHRqH_nk/s1600/Lorthos%2Bthe%2BTidemaker.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Goal:[/b] Kun plays a rather neutral role in the divine politics of Minonas, seeking only to keep her domain safe and unspoiled. However, she is quite protective of her children (by birth or adoption), and can often be persuaded to support their causes. It is not uncommon for Kun to lend her strength to various factions under her protection to further their goals, and for that reason Kun seems to have her tentacles in many different schemes and campaigns across the globe. Aside from that, Kun makes great effort to collect various secrets and hidden truths, not only from Minonas but from all of Roa, to lock away in both the vault of her mind, but also the literal Vault of Aeons. [b]Domain:[/b] The Sea, Tides, the Moon, Thoughts, Mystery, Secrets [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Leviathan[/u]: Kun is large. Very, very large. Her size cannot be overestimated in any possible sense. Her scale easily eclipses other gods by dozens of factors, and mortals are barely able to comprehend how massive she is. As such, the natural power of both her body and mind are overpowering to other gods, and mind-breakingly overwhelming to mortals. Her many tentacles can wreak havoc on opposite sides of oceans, and her intellect and memory are both as terrifyingly potent as her otherworldly strength. [u]Tidemaker:[/u] Kun rules over the sea, and can thus control its mood and movements. She can have it swell up just as easily as she can have it shrink away. Tsunamis, flash floods, rogue waves and oceanic currents are just a few of the sea's workings that she can conjure or manipulate. She also has mastery over the depths and sea floor, and such forces as thermal vents and tectonic faults are under her influence. [u]Mother of Monsters:[/u] Kun, if she so chooses, can birth terrifying oceanic monstrosities. While the specific form of her brood is not under her exact control, she can generally choose what manner of monster she wishes to spawn, and if it would possess any of her divine power, or possess intelligence greater than that of a common predator. While her intelligent children are independant from her, Kun's beastial children are easily influenced by her, and perform her bidding as she commands them. [u]Eye of the Moon:[/u] Kun can use the moon as she uses her own eye, looking down upon Minonas from the heavens, regardless of where she is. Anything that falls under the moon's watch is subject to her examination, no matter how minute. As the cycle of the moon shifts, so does the nature of her celestial eye. As the moon brightens, she can more easily see the realm of the physical and material, and as it darkens, the mental and spiritual are clearer to her. [u]The Sending:[/u] Just as Kun's body has many far-reaching tendrils, so does her mind. The Queen of the Sea can sense any mind within her ocean, or under the sight of the moon, and may reach out to touch that mind as she likes. With this, she can easily share her thoughts, feelings and vast knowledge with whomever she chooses, but can just as easily receive any of these things from those she contacts. The gentlest brush of her mind against a mortal's is shocking and nearly overwhelming to the lesser being, and as such she must be careful when contacting them, as the sheer power of her mind when put against theirs is enough to shatter a mortal mind irreparably. [b]Artifacts:[/b] As any artifact that could be used on a mortal scale is essentially useless to Kun, the only "artifact" associated with her is literally a city. [url=http://lovecraftianscience.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/43573_1276488000_paul_carrick.jpg]C'et[/url], also known as the Vault of Aeons, is at once Kun's holy city and a sort of reserve of power for her. Labyrinthine and eldritch, C'et seems to be as much a physical approximation of Kun's celestial mind as it is an actual place. Physics and logic hold little sway over the city and what lies within, and the actual location of C'et shifts periodically, though it is always at the ocean floor. Within the halls of the Vault are innumerable scrolls, tomes, carvings, grimoires and relics, all of which correlating to one of the many mysteries of the universe unraveled by Kun. Not all of these secrets are transcribed in such a way that can be understood by mortals, or even other gods. This is perhaps a protective measure, as some of these secrets are great enough to tear apart any mind, mortal or divine, that cannot match Kun's in scale. [b]Territory:[/b] Kun has undisputed dominion over the seas and their depths. The "Children of Kun" are those that claim the sea as their home. This title is conferred to the great and mysterious beasts of the oceans- [url=http://www.manaleak.com/mtguk/files/2014/05/Scourge-of-Fleets.jpg]krakens[/url], [url=http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/li/li207_harbor_serpent.jpg]serpents[/url] and [url=http://marktedin.com/FullMagicJpegs/a31_NemesisofReason.jpg]other, stranger things[/url]- as well as sapient aquatic races, such as [url=http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/features/feat231b_simicfluxmage.jpg]merfolk[/url], [url=http://walakanomm.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/sahaugin.jpg]tritons[/url], and [url=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/048/2/d/shreds_the_surface_hybrid_form_by_hwango-d39sofg.jpg]sea-dwelling lycanthropes[/url]. Naturally, due to proximity, coastal territory and islands are also subject to Kun's power. Kun's realm is known as the [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/155/1/e/space_frontier__azure_ocean_by_nathanblackwolf-d529qwu.jpg]Silent Depths[/url]. It is an incredibly spacious, vacuous place of complete silence and stillness. Neither water nor air seems to fill this place, giving any who enter as free movement as they please, and can breathe, see, hear and think as naturally as they could in their own habitat. Numerous small, twinkling lights fill the Silent Depths, mostly resembling stars, yet they seem too close, and their light seems to have an indiscernible, organized pattern to their slight variations. Thoughts flow as freely as words, and minds are unburdened by such matters of mortality and power, allowing them to bear knowledge without any risk of harm to themselves. The Silent Depths are populated scarcely; the only naturally-occurring beings within them are [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/216/6/a/jellyfish_in_space__by_laskanwlf-d59ugig.jpg]Qyrl[/url], soft, docile creatures that behave as living memories for Kun. [b]Other Info:[/b] Kun has existed for as long as the other gods can remember, and it is possible that she predates them by some time. Both her nature and origin are mysteries to the other gods, and some have come to wonder if she even originated from Minonas, as they have. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0q1gCsZykg]Theme[/url][/hider] --- [b]Demigods[/b] [hider=Rokea] [b]Name:[/b] Rokea, the Risen Deep [b]Age:[/b] Ancient [b]Follows:[/b] Kun, but has own agenda. [b]Species:[/b] Demigod Kraken [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Monster of the Deep:[/u] Rokea is a massive, devastatingly powerful creature. Much like his mother, he not only boasts nigh-insurmountable physical power, but also a cold, calculating intelligence. Capable of surviving in the most crushing and frigid depths of the ocean, and able to move with the speed of a typhoon, most lesser mortal races see Rokea less as a monster to be slain, as much as a force of nature to be feared. [u]Terror of the Deep:[/u] Rokea has also inherited from his mother her impressive psychic ability. Though his power is dictated by his rather substantial range rather than his mother's domain. Only gods or mortals with the strongest of mental defenses hope to stand a chance against his mental onslaught that Rokea can bring down upon the subjects of his wrath. Rokea can break one's mind through the sheer force of entering it against their will, and then drain that person for their knowledge and memories. Quite similar to what his mother is capable of, though used for aggression rather than understanding. [u]Secrets of the Deep:[/u] Rokea has delved into the archives of C'et, and has come away with dark secrets that no other being other than gods could hope to withstand. Foul, otherworldly magics are at the Risen Deep's disposal, granting him such powers as to raise unholy abominations from the sea, or to bring stars down from the sky. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://mtgostrat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Wrexial__the_Risen_Deep_by_ericDeschamps.jpg]"That which has fallen soon shall rise. Those that fall may fall father still."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Secrets [b]Other Info:[/b] Among the first of Kun's children born into the seas of Minonas, Rokea's power is matched only by his aggression and cruelty. The Tritons know him as "The Abyssal Prince," and he is a figure of darkness and destruction in their mythology. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kxczI-8OQ0]Theme[/url] [/hider] [hider=Daguan] [b]Name:[/b] Daguan, the Broodlord [b]Age:[/b] Ancient [b]Follows:[/b] Kun, Currently Dormant [b]Species:[/b] Demigod Triton [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Crawling Chaos:[/u] Daguan, while being all the horrifying aquatic monster that he appears to be, is a stranger beast than he seems. Daguan's physiology is highly mutable, allowing his form to shift and mutate as he pleases. While Daguan cannot change any fundamental aspect of his anatomy, and his changes come on very slowly, given enough time he can take on the shape of a sea monster very different from his previous form. Daguan also has tremendous regenerative ability- capable of regrowing entire limbs and organs, even parts of his brain, making the divine fish-thing exceptionally difficult to kill. [u]Hybrid Children:[/u] While generally referred to as a "he," Daguan is actually hermaphroditic, and has the divine ability to breed with practically any living creature. This includes himself, as he retains his mother's ability to reproduce asexually. Any of Daguan's children strongly resemble their "father," and have strong aquatic characteristics in addition to whatever traits they inherited from their other parent. "Pure" offspring of Daguan are known as [url=http://www.lastchanceillustration.com/pages/eldritch/images/HPL1.jpg]Seaspawn[/url], and are small, mortal copies of himself, though his variable biological nature results the Seaspawn being born into forms that seem to be assembled at complete random. At best the Seaspawn are warped and twisted, but at worst they are too mutated to live very long past their birth. [u]Pray for Father:[/u] Like his mother and divine siblings, Daguan has a certain measure of psychic power. However, his manifests far differently than usual. Daguan has a constant psychic link to any and all of his offspring and their descendants, thus giving him control over a sort of hive-mind of sea monsters. As his mind is connected to theirs, the connection runs also in the other direction. Daguan's moods and motivations are often shaped by the collective consciousness of his offspring. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/247/3/1/dagon_by_tatarskiskandal-d6kzvet.jpg]"Timeless sleep... Been upset... I waken...."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Sunsets [b]Other Info:[/b] An aberrant among Kun's children, Daguan was born under strange astronomical conditions, resulting in his strange, mutating abilities. Daguan is the progenitor of the Triton race, and is symbolically revered by them as the "Firstborn of the Sea Queen," a major deity and heroic figure in their mythology. After a battle a powerful Sea Witch, Daguan was forced into a potent, magical sleep, and now lies dormant, hidden somewhere at the bottom of the Sea of Sunsets. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrYcNFj9CL0]Theme[/url] [/hider] [hider=Ryushi] [b]Name:[/b] Ryushi, Master of Storms [b]Age:[/b] Very Ancient [b]Follows:[/b] Kun, but secretly despises her. [b]Species:[/b] Sea Dragon [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Umi:[/u] Ryushi is the eldest Sea Dragon, and as such is a powerful, immortal oceanic predator. Descended from the "true" dragons of the skies, Sea Dragons are just as fearsome, with tremendous strength and speed, as well as incredible intelligence. While Ryushi breathes air, he can survive underwater for decades without taking a breath, and can withstand the ocean's depths as well as any water-breathing creature. [u]Rai:[/u] Ryushi wields the power of the storm, in all of its deadly potency. He is able to issue great gouts of lightning from his maw, just as easily as other dragons may breathe fire. Using his natural draconic magic, he can stir up the winds and sea to create terrible oceanic storms, which he can then guide inland to wreak havoc. If he generates a strong enough gust, Ryushi can ride it with his vestigial wings, thus soaring through the air like the dragons of the land. [u]Kokuo:[/u] As the eldest and mightiest of all Sea Dragons, Ryushi commands a certain level of respect among Sea Dragons, and indeed many other dragons of the land. The vast majority of lesser Sea Dragons, including Ryushi's many descendents, follow his orders out of fear or respect for the venerated serpent. This is not a status to be overlooked; there is an ancient legend that foretells of a great union of "masters of the sea" joining together to create a storm large enough to swallow the world. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/306/9/1/ryujin_dragon_god_by_genzoman-d320uef.jpg]"Soon you shall know power. And then you shall know fear."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Stars [b]Other Info:[/b] An ancient being among ancient beings, Ryushi claims to predate the advent of Kun, before which he was the supreme being in the oceans of Minonas. However, this position was quickly upset, as Kun quickly proved herself to vastly outclass the Master of Storms in power. As the Sea Dragons trace no linage from Kun, Ryushi bears no loyalty to Kun, and is subservient to her simply because she is more powerful than he is. Ryushi is known as the "King of the Sea" in the Triton mythology, husband to Kun; a fact that gives him a fair deal of irritation. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9UKUVMn-ig]Theme[/url][/hider] --- [b]Mortals[/b] [hider=Si'Mek] [b]Name:[/b] Si'Mek, the Abyssal Mystic [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Follows:[/b] Kun [b]Species:[/b] South Sea Merfolk [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Deep-Born:[/u] As a South Sea Merfolk, Si'Mek is somewhat stronger and more durable than the average human, as their bodies are adapted to survive in the deeper, darker parts of the ocean. However, in lower pressure and on land, she experiences a lack of balance and nausea. She is naturally bioluminescent, an efficient swimmer (of course) and both hunts and fights quite effectively with her trident. [u]Sea Witch:[/u] Si'Mek is a master of a peculiar form of magic practiced by the Merfolk tribes of the South Seas. The art of the Sea Witch is a combination of traditional Merfolk shamanism and a variety of secrets gleaned from the teachings and vaults of Kun. Sea Witches draw power from currents of energy that flow through the ocean, known as Soul Gyres, or sometimes Kun's Path. With this power, Si'Mek can speak with and conjure the spirits of the ocean, bend the elemental forces of the sea to her will, or empower herself with the raw energy at her disposal. Sea Witches also know darker arts, such as altering living tissue to their whims, distorting the minds of their opponents, or manipulating fate and prophecy. [u]Kun's Follower:[/u] Si'Mek is a rather unique Sea Witch, in that she can sense Kun's movements through the Soul Gyres. While she has yet to meet the Queen of the Sea in person, she can consistently find C'et by tracing Kun's Path, despite the city's roaming location. This has not gone unnoticed by Kun, who keeps sensing Si'Mek's tribe within her secret city. Kun has contacted Si'Mek on a few occassions, and the Merfolk woman has been established as something of a prophet among the South Sea Merfolk. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://media-dominaria.cursecdn.com/attachments/100/809/635032498308446764.jpg]"Any who are brave enough may listen to Kun, but only the wise learn from her."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Secrets [b]Other Info:[/b] By tracking C'et and learning as much from the city that she can, as well as her occasional successful contact with Kun, Si'Mek is likely the most powerful Sea Witch to ever live, and is considered a great prophet and speaker for Kun by many of the South Sea tribes. While she feels neutral about the theological aspects of her gifts, Si'Mek prizes knowledge above all else, and greatly values how much she has learned from Kun and C'et. That said, she is willing to go to any length to protect C'et and its secrets from those that are not counted among Kun's Children. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx2DgzonNdU]Theme[/url][/hider] [hider=Tari'El] [b]Name:[/b] Tari'El, the Sky Ruler [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Follows:[/b] Kun, but he rules his own tribe. [b]Species:[/b] North Sea Merfolk [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Foam-Born:[/u] As a North Sea Merfolk, Tari'El is considerably stronger and tougher than the average human, as his people are adapted to living in the strong currents and predator-filled ecosystem of the Sea of Sunsets. Tari'El is a warrior of considerable prestige, despite his young age. Skilled in battle with both dagger and spear, on land as well as in water, Tari'El's talents best shine through in mounted combat, where he is a force to be reckoned with. While he is trained in the traditional North Seas art of Manta-Riding, Tari-El has adapted this technique to allow him to ride drakes. Often overlooked (as he prefers to hide this aspect of himself) is Tari'El's skill as a strategist, as he is surprisingly cunning and often devises unorthodox plans to catch his foes unawares. [u]Summoner of Skies:[/u] Tari'El possesses a strange power which grants him the ability to speak to and command beasts of the ocean. However, he has particular mastery over creatures of the skies over the sea. Waterfowl, [url=http://archive.wizards.com/mtg/images/daily/stf/stf67_wayfinder.jpg]flying manta[/url], and even dangerous [url=http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/arcana/1002_token4art_t7243updke.jpg]drakes[/url] are at his command, the lattermost in particular giving his tribe an aerial advantage in battle. [u]Trickery of the Sea:[/u] While by no means a mystic or wizard, Tari'El does know a few spells that he puts to very effective use in battle. He can summon a fog from the sea to disguise his movements, and he can assault his foes with high-pressure blasts of water. By increasing surface tension, he can allow himself to run atop the surface of water, or form simple structures from sea salt. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/ur/ur206_talrand_sky_summoner.jpg]"The sea is vast, but it is not enough. The skies, too, shall be my domain."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Sunsets [b]Other Info:[/b] Tari'El is the ruler of the largest North Sea Merfolk tribe, and has claimed a considerable amount of the Sea of Sunsets as his territory. Unfortunately, there are few who can repute his claim, as his skill as a warrior and leader are both exemplary. Tari'El owes much to his mastery over beasts of the air and often gives thanks to Kun, whom he believes is the source of his gift. Along this logic, he believes that it is his duty to conquer the sea, skies, and eventually the land in her name. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N96g6ehwscY]Theme[/url][/hider] [hider=A'Tua] [b]Name:[/b] A'Tua, the Wave of Glory [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Follows:[/b] Kun [b]Species:[/b] North Sea Merfolk [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Big Fish, Small Pond:[/u] A North Sea Merfolk raised among West Sea Merfolk, A'Tua has all of the strength of her homesea, while possessing the cunning of the sea she grew up in. She has been trained in the West Sea arts of stealth, subterfuge and guerilla tactics, and can use their curved blades and throwing spears with considerable effectiveness. [u]The Crashing Wave:[/u] A'Tua is a powerful mage, gifted with talents that could rival a demigod. She can summon enormous waves and floods, and shape currents into riptides and whirlpools. Water may be shaped into semi-autonomous servants that obey her will, and strike with the force of a waterspout. By studying certain sea creatures enough, she can use their adaptations (bioluminescence, camouflaged skin, etc) for herself. By interpreting the reflection of the moon off of the surface of the sea, she can divine answers to mysteries that she could otherwise not solve. [u]Deep-Speaker:[/u] Possibly A'Tua's strangest power, she has the ability to call into the deepest seas and conjure one of Kun's "true" children: a mighty kraken, serpent or leviathan. Not only can she call forth one of these fearsome creatures, she can also hold mastery over it, the monster obeying her as dutifully as it would obey its own divine mother. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://s3.gatheringmagic.com/uploads/2014/01/10/AB_1.jpg]"Spare me your arrogance. A few drops of my power will be enough to handle you."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Stars [b]Other Info:[/b] Whisked away as a newborn from her North Sea family by a rogue current or a rogue slaver (it is unclear which), A'Tua was raised by the a West Sea merfolk tribe. The West Sea tribes are noted for their devotion to Kun, and consider themselves to be her chosen, and as such A'Tua was raised to seek glory in the name of the Queen of the Sea. As she grew, A'Tua's power developed exponentially. Considering her miraculous deliverance and quite specific abilities, A'Tua was hailed as a champion of Kun. Though she is still honing her skills, A'Tua is believed to one day spearhead the charge out of the seas and onto land, leading the zealots of the Sea of Stars to persecute the land-dwelling heathens. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52BcC9Qzl-Q]Theme[/url][/hider] [hider=Gaan] [b]Name:[/b] Gaan, Triton Emperor [b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Follows:[/b] Kun, but follows a pantheon of other gods. Has his own nation and agenda, as well. [b]Species:[/b] Triton [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Sea Centurion:[/u] Gaan is a creature known as a Triton, an intelligent, amphibious being somewhere between a man and a fish. As a Triton, he is naturally quite strong, a quick and agile swimmer, and is covered in hard, durable scales. The size of a taller human man, he can easily overpower a human in single combat, though he is on in his years for a Triton, and his age is beginning to catch up with him. Tritons have a rather unstable biology, and their children are often born with random mutations. Gaan himself has the fairly common mutation of having four fully-formed and functional arms, thus doubling his dexterity and combat ability. [u]Ocean Kaiser:[/u] Gaan is not a mere, common Triton; he is in fact the king of the Triton Empire, a network of underwater cities and ruins that span much of the Sea of Silence, and even some of the surrounding coasts and islands. Despite his monstrous form, Gaan is a dedicated leader and cunning strategist, able to devise devastating military campaigns and run his Empire with stunning efficiency. While by no means a front-line warrior, Gaan is not unskilled in combat, as he can use both a trident and his four arms effectively in close-quarters combat. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111008005636/eberron/images/6/64/Malenti.jpg]"They call us monsters. They call us scum. We shall show them the price of underestimating us."[/u] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Silence [b]Other Info:[/b] Born the successor to the Triton royal line, Gaan's strategic genius and ruthless methods have resulted in great gains for the Triton Empire over the course of his rule, and he is hailed as being among the mightiest of the Triton Emperors. He attributes a fair amount of his success to the "gods," the Triton pantheon which deifies numerous powerful beings within the sea, with Kun as the greatest and most important. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PEfyjD_Kcs]Theme[/url] [/hider] [hider=Dark-As-Depths] [b]Name:[/b] Dark-As-Depths, Predator of Ages [b]Age:[/b] Ancient [b]Follows:[/b] Kun, but leads own tribe. [b]Species:[/b] Wereshark [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Ancient Predator:[/u] Dark-As-Depths is the oldest living Wereshark, and is in essence a living fossil. His form is that of an ancient breed of shark, long extinct, and as such he is easily confused for some manner of sea monster. Naturally, he has all of the adaptations of a marine apex predator, exaggerated due to his prehistoric form. His jaws can tear through metal, can swim at riptide speeds for days, and he can sense movement or smell blood from leagues away. [u]Sea Warrior:[/u] As a Wereshark, Dark-As-Depths is an inherently magical creature. Able to shift his form from a shark, to a man, to a variety of intermediary shapes between. He has a natural sensitivity to spiritual activity, and has an innate connection to the ocean as a primal force. As Weresharks do not age, Dark-As-Depths is an incredibly ancient warrior, still at his prime, and as such has ages of experience and skill in battle, and has yet to be fallen despite such a long life as a predator. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://www.digitalartistdaily.com/users/519/thm1024/ancientwarrior150.jpg]"There is little I have not seen in my years.[/url] [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/216/0/4/jurassic_world__megalodon__non_official__by_hellraptor-d7rlung.jpg]I do not fear the dark depths, and I do not fear you."[/url] [b]Home Location:[/b] The Sea of Secrets [b]Other Info:[/b] Weresharks, the oldest breed of lycanthrope, are one of the oldest races on Minonas, and have been almost completely unchanged throughout their existence. Dark-As-Depths is a remnant of a bygone era, a result of his kind's supernatural lifespan. It was in his time that the Weresharks took to worshiping Kun, the first sapient race to do so. They gave the Sea Goddess her name, in their tongue "Kun," simply meaning "Sea." Dark-As-Depths is easily Kun's oldest follower, and leads the few remaining Weresharks to protect the seas in her name. [rul=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrHCn69rppg]Theme[/url][/hider]