Daniel just stepped off of the IGCP shuttle that ferried him there. Daniel tugged at the brand new uniform given to him, the fit was fine however he was used to more loose clothing. He shifted the duffel bag that was over his shoulder, it contained simple things some essentials like change of clothes, but also in there he had technical books, and reference materials, as chief engineer he wanted to make sure to keep brushed up. He let out a short whistle as he examined the scene before him, back home it was mostly other humans like himself, so seeing the wide variety of other races was impressive to a somewhat shut in Exendrian such as himself. He made his way down the various checkpoints giving paper and identification as needed, Daniel was also still getting used to his new title, Engineering Officer Daniel Althor, just out of university and already in this kind of position who would have thought he might have ended up here. Finally after the lengthy process Daniel was in the holding room, again so many different personal of so many different races, yet all of them were crew members of the Exeralune. He had some time before he need to board the ship so might have been a good time to do some greet and meet, after all he had to at some point. After some looking around he decided to approach two others who seemed to be already engaged in their own conversation. One was a Nimin, overall pretty standard to Daniel while he has never met on personally he has obviously heard more then enough about them. The other was strange, looked like some weird insect straight out of a fiction magazine Daniel remembered reading, course this one was civilized and not tearing though swaths of people, most interesting of all he had his rank markings literately painting on himself rather then wearing a uniform, seemed he was the lead physician not what Daniel would have expected. Daniel straightened his back and started walked towards the couple. When he got close enough Daniel called out, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything important, just figured now would be a good time to meet with each other before its time to board." Daniel held out his hand not to anyone in particular, "I'm Engineering Officer Daniel Althor, going to be in charge of maintaining the ship, nice to meet the two of you."