With a mix of his own confusion of both what happened to him in Rabanastre and arriving in this strange new world, Caleb still would go on to see where exactly he was. On the same moment that he had decided to do that, he found himself walking only to feel a sharp pain in his lower back. Reaching along his back, Caleb felt around only to land his fingers on a thin needle. He grasped it and pulled it out only to release a slight grunt from the pain of pulling it out. [b]“What the hell?” [/b] Caleb said as he looked at the needle. There was nothing special about it other than the fact that it was a needle with a tip of red, obviously from the blood of Caleb’s body. Caleb let the needle fall from his hand and drop the ground, it in itself making a slight sound upon contact with the concrete floor. Just as Caleb looked behind him hoping to find who — or what — shot him with a needle, he saw a rather attractive female with long blue hair. He didn’t pay no mind to her at first, but then he examined her body(more of habit than anything else). What he saw was some kind of ice magic forming on her tightened fist. Caleb raised an eyebrow. He didn’t know what she was up to, but as the following seconds would reveal, she threw all of that concentrated ice magic at Caleb in the form of an icy wind-like blast. Alarmed by this just in time, Caleb dodge-rolled to the right, and he was barely able to dodge the ice that came at him. Once he gathered himself, he heard the blue-haired chick shout out something about Caleb being an assassin and facing her like a man. Also something about trying to kill her. To his knowledge, Caleb hadn’t even done anything to this woman, which was why he just looked at her as if she was crazy. She obviously was or else she wouldn’t attack him like she just did. [b]“I think you have me confused for someone else. I am not the guy that--” [/b]Just as Caleb was talking, he noticed the blue-haired woman had donned what looked to be like an over-sized key. [I]Why does that look familiar?[/I] Caleb couldn’t place it, but he could have sworn that the giant key that she had looked a little familiar. [b]“I guess you’re not going to listen to reason, are you?”[/b] Caleb just shook his head and he would raise his fists up and as he did, the key from before showed up in his left hand. [b]“This again? Oh well, it’s better than my fists I suppose.”[/b] Caleb said as he just stood ready for whatever the female in front of him had to throw at him.