Clyde's limo had just pulled up to the front of the Grand Hotel. He got out as his driver was opening the door, revealing himself to those on the sidewalk and in the lobby of the hotel. He was wearing grey high-top Adidas, skinny black slacks with a lotus colored belt, a teal v-neck covered with a slim black suit jacket, and an emerald ring on his right ring finger. "Thank you, Alfred," addressing the limo driver while handing him $100. The limo drove off as he strolled up into the lobby of the hotel. [i]These people are going to love me,[/i] Clyde thought. Noticing the long line, he walked up to the counter, slipped the receptionist a couple hundred dollars, and asked, "So when can you get me into the presidential suite, honey?" The girl blushed, [i]Did he just call me honey? It's okay Natalie, keep it together.[/i] "Hold on just a second, sir," she responded while working on the computer to get the information Clyde needed. "How was your trip to our hotel, sir," Natalie asked him. "No need to call me sir. The name is Clyde Mathers, the infamous son of Marshall Mathers. It was alright, the limo driver was kind of slow and I didn't have the company of a beautiful girl like yourself," Clyde looked at her name badge, "Natalie." After finding out who he was, Natalie could hardly contain herself. "It's an honor to be of service to you, Mr. Mathers." She quickly made sure that he would receive the best presidential suite and all of the extra services the hotel offered. "Your room is ready, and we've included the king's package with your stay," she said while a genuine smile spread across her face. "No need for the formalities Natalie. Please, call me Clyde," he said with a smug look across his face. "When do you get off? Perhaps you can show me all of the services you offer," he asked coyly while taking her hand with the room key in it and giving her a small kiss on the back of it. She almost fainted from this. Responding, "Of course.. Clyde," she said with a little hesitance, "I get off in an hour and can show you around then. I will meet knock on your door. That should give you enough time to get settled in," Natalie stated. "Good, I'll be waiting," Clyde was already starting to work his magic, and he was good at it because he's [i]obviously better and more important than everyone else.[/i] He had the room card, so he grabbed his backpack and headed towards the elevators. He noticed one man who was almost a giant giving him a flirtatious look on his way over. [i]I wonder who that is. Oh well,[/i] he thought while reaching the elevators.