I'm a little upset. I was going to link some nice storm sailing music from Assassin's Creed 4 for the setting, but some recording company has (possibly illegally) placed a copyright claim on the video. Here's the thing: the company placing the claim DEFINITELY doesn't own the music, since it belongs to Ubisoft. After doing some digging, I found that the company in question has laid copyright claims on all sorts of stuff (including a homemade recording of birds and NASA sound footage) because they used some (clearly crappy) algorithm that says 'the computer says this sounds like X piece of copyrighted music, so you are a copyright violator'. Long story short, no more song links for Ray's music. We'll all have to use our imaginations, you guys to imagine music, and me to come up with lyrics. [hider=Ugh...][img=http://media1.giphy.com/media/6OWIl75ibpuFO/giphy.gif][/hider]