When he said she had him confused for someone else, she took a good (albeit quick) look around. The alley seemed empty save but for those two. Of course she had never seen a cactuar before and didn't even suspect the mischievous plant-creature. She squeezed the handle of her keyblade which appeared much more basic than his. Her eyes locked on him, piercing quicksilver as she clicked her tongue. "Talking your way out of it huh? There's no one else here but you." Saga twisted her keyblade up and took a stance, and by the way her legs were spread and knees bent, the keyblade faced out, she looked as if she was taking up a mixture of aikido and fencing all in the same stroke. Her style of combat was very unique, based on speed and lethal maneuvering more than being strong or aggressive. However her naturally aggressive persona tended to make her a bit contradicting at times. "Where'd you get that, anyway? Who are you?" She suddenly rushed forward, three broad steps closer. But she didn't come into arm's length of him. She stopped just in time that her body stopped but her momentum went into the blow as her keyblade struck straight forward in a would-be piercing blow. She didn't quite know how it would work considering that the keyblade wasn't sharp on its end. It wasn't sharp at all! His looked like it may've been sharp however, and she felt a bit underhanded as far as the weapon went. But she didn't let it make her falter. If he blocked or dodged she would've returned to stance and begun cycling around him like a vulture, silvery eyes never leaving his.