The fruit between Praxis's teeth stayed whole as he ceased chewing. As the girl stirred in her sleep, the minor link he connected with her consciousness made it obvious that her dreams were causing her unpleasant thoughts, doing the same for him. His skin began to crawl as the feeling crept over to him, though he hadn't the slightest clue what could be making her feel this way. He tried to shake the feeling, knowing that if he lost connection for even a moment she could be up and at his throat in an instant, and so he bore the feeling. He had felt a similar feeling several times, including while taking his own mother's life, although this wasn't exactly that intense. With a short sigh, he exhaled in relief that she had finally woken up, ending his mental anguish. Seeing her like this - upside-down or otherwise - after the experience she must have just been through in her mind made Praxis feel legitimate sorrow for this girl. He had no idea what she had experienced, but clearly she was no stranger to the pains he knew all too well. He rubbed his scar on his hand as he spoke, fighting off the terrible memories of defecting and betrayal while listening to her. Trying to play off his cocky position once again, he attempted his smile once more, but there was much less to it than before after what he had just felt. Gladly, he relieved the connection between their minds and stood up, putting their heads at nearly the same height, although they were about six feet apart.Looking her up and down, he realized he hadn't noticed her body before -- she was quite attractive, but maybe it had simply been difficult to see through her initial volatile reaction. In her hand she still held the cloak, not even wearing it. She had been clutching it in her sleep, and now, still not willing to release it, she clung to it as if it were a lifeline? There was something about this garment, and Praxis wasn't sure he wanted it anymore, no matter it's property. He was certain the feelings that came from the forethought of Aruna's dreams were somehow tied to that cloak. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Aruna," he spoke challengingly, mentioning her name again as if to bother her with the fact that he knew it. "But I'm afraid there aren't really any Wolfen like me -- not as far as I know, anyway." He took a step toward her, making sure to keep his distance from such a dangerous opponent.Trapped her not, she was obviously full of surprises. "Besides, ownership is really just a word... if you were to continue on the journey I left you on, would I not have been the owner of that cloak?" The Wolfen smiled as he crossed his arms behind his back, beginning to walk a circle around the trapped Aruna. A sigh escaped his lips as he watched the ground where he walked rather than making eye contact. "But, really, you needn't worry anymore..." he spoke softly, his voice almost trailing away before returning when he looked back up, but still away from his hanging target. His face no longer showed any signs of victory, but rather slight regret; sadness. "I was mistaken about the cloak. I thought it was.... it's not what I expected, and you have my sincere apologies." Now having made a half circle around her, he examined her backside, particularly the partial Wolfen scars he had noticed before. "While you definitely interest me, I'm willing to let you go -- and take nothing," he continued, honest to the core. "But first, you must tell me..." In one swift move, the Wolfen was inches away from the girls beautiful face, their eyes meeting with nearly visible intensity. "What does that garment mean to you?" He asked her, legitimately perplexed. "I saw you pull a lantern out of it where there was absolutely no space to fit it... yet that clearly has nothing to do with it's significance to you. If I can't have it... I must know." Praxis's face was a little more serious than he had intended it to be, but the subject really did intrigue every fiber of his being.