[quote=The Red Zephyr] If you're going to be a Roleplayer Guild member, ROLEPLAY! [/quote] I don't roleplay, because there isn't any [b]good[/b] interested checks from me. And If I do find one that I like, it will die in a day or two. I go on the Guild, because it's fun and I go on spam to read the topics. You cannot make someone roleplay because your RPs are dead or dying, you're just want more people to join your RPs to make it last longer. [quote=Scout] However, I still find it extremely rude to do so and not say something about not wanting o participate or something to say you're out. [/quote] If I gave reasons on why I wanted to drop out of RPs, then I will be hated by anyone on the site because I will tell that the truth (which could be that they cause too much drama and bullshit, it doesn't interest me anymore, and many other points). So I just don't say anything and just drop out of the RP.