[b]Alexis[/b] This was tricky and Alexis knew he had thought this out more. He succesfully sneaked into a docked ship on his homeworld, was able to hide out in the vents for the entire and lucky enough short trip. But he should have thought ahead about the chance that this ship might go to a planet that would be under some kind of large fraction or at least a large military race. Well he should pat his luck on the back that this at least was a IGCP planet, he would have been killed on a military planet, here he only risk getting thrown in the cell for... Never mind.... Thank something he was born a Glaizart, able to sense peoples live force had given him the edge on crawling out from the ship, who knows how long they would stay docked here and how long their next trip would be. He was hungry so he needed to move to his next advanture. But this has proven difficult, the entire dock was filled with people, from behind some crates he could see a girl talking to someone, he could not see against who though, but from the conversation it seemed they were a security member and a medic for some new ship, the medic was out of his sight but his aura was big so he did not wanted to see the man anyway, but the girl could prove a problem if she really was a security member, as long as he avoided the big man the doc wont prove such a problem, but she was trained and had a job to capture stowaways But this new ship could be useful, if everyone on this dock would be a new crew, then no one would be on the ship and if they meant to depart soon, then it should have enough stock to fill his stomach, after that Alexis can just step out and wait till everyones left before he could leave the dock and explore the planet. It was not hard to find the ship, it was the only one who looked brand new and had some guards. Still Alexis was able to get inside without being noticed, he just had to knock some crates over and use his aura sense to monitor the guards movement to find the blind spots. the hunt for food had begun. ---- [b]Volray[/b] the conference between the Shiira elder and the IGCP has been finished some time ago, but the IGCP members who were present in the conference had gotten curious about The Pillar docked in a space dock on the planets orbit. They were forced to use this dock as an other one was mostly reserved for some new ship and an other ship who carried supplys, not that his crew cared that they had to use a space dock instead of a ground dock. At the moment the IGCP members had joined with the Shiira elder and his guards to get an guide though the Pillar. But Volray was still on the planet, the elder had given him once more the chance to explore the planets market place. He had seen quite a few interesting objects but decided not to buy anything outside an interesting type of meat wrapped in a beige piece of... He had no idea, but it was pretty tasty. A lot of people around him were talking about this new ship and slowly it started to rouse his interest, perhaps he would go and check it out soon enough... ------ [b]Isaac[/b] Isaac was leaning against a wall, staring at the ship. From the corner of his eyes he looked at some huge scap talking to some girl and more poeple such as the armored man joining the talk. At one point he wanted to join, but at an other he just wanted to get inside, check the computer systems and work on some magitech stuff. perhaps it was the fear that he might expose his Eremend stature or perhaps there was something else but for once he was not all that up for this little mixure. though if someone would start to talk to him he wont mind it either, he just did not wanted to start a talk or join in an existing one, he rather be pulled in a conversation by someone, makes it a lot easier