When he dodged and grabbed her free hand she felt her instinctual desire to defend herself kick in double time. She pushed herself close to him, as if she'd tripped and fallen towards his body. But in her fist she was gathering more of the frosty ice. Caleb would feel it only seconds before it happened into existence, as a cool chill near his navel. If he didn't let go of her she would've dropped the keyblade and released the Blizzard spell against his stomach from point blank range. When the keyblade was released it disappeared from existence. Instead it reformed as a keychain crown hung upon her bracelet. And as the ice magic gathered, the keychain would rapidly fog up and frost would creep in crystalline designs over the small metal shape. Whether he dodged or not, she would speak after the spell burst into reality. "So if you didn't do it..." She would say through clenched teeth. Finally her jaw relaxed a bit, and she took a deep breath trying to find a place of levelheadedness. "Then who did?"