[b]Name:[/b] Maximillian Mu [b]Race:[/b] Minotaur [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/mu.jpg] [b]Age:[/b] 25/50 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] Born to blacksmiths, his life in a feudal caste society was already determined for the rest of his days in the labyrinthine mines. For the first ten years of his life, he worked and played in the forges with others of his kind, even starting to fall in love with a lovely cow. Unfortunately the same day he crafted her a wedding ring was the day that dwarfs cut through a wall and began the raid for ores the minotaurs kept safe. His would-be-wife gave one dwarf the ore they sought in the form of a three foot blade across its belly, his seven siblings maimed her to a cripple before she sent them to the underworld. For another ten years the dwarfs and minotaurs would war and hollow the mountain they both called home until the entire spire collapsed under the remaining weight against the brittle and foam-like remains of what was once the heart of the land. Such massive destruction and death tore open a rift in the worlds he literally fell through in order to survive the collapse of everything he knew. [b]Skills/Powers[/b] He is a physical powerhouse with muscle and bones twice as dense as a normal humans, his strength is four times what an Olympic power-lifter is capable of. (current world record unassisted bench press is 650 lbs. Max can bench 2500 unassisted. He wears a power suit capable of amplifying his strength through both servo motors and arcane glyphs. (DM's discression as to how much stronger it makes him to start and give him something to reach for later.) He is the living tank of the group, carrying the heavy weapons to bear be it shoulder mounted cannon or underslung mini-gun, he is trained in heavy weapons and artillery. In melee he is often seen using industrial tools like cutting wheels and chainsaws to tear through the enemy like wood and stone. [b]Other Things of Interest[/b] During his downtime, he fiddles with modern tech to come to terms with the new world he finds himself in, as well as reading over ancient mythologies about creatures past that has phased through centuries before,