Before she could make it up the mountain, the main who caught her attention was in fact the one who approached her, eager to be her first victim, as it would seem. He was an arrogant little being, standing only a meter away from her, not even the length of her foot. His weaponry looked very fancy but not nearly powerful enough to pierce her armor unless looks could be deceiving. Perhaps he thought that he'd get more power out of his attack by striking her at point blank range, but that plan came with an all too obvious risk. At his size he would be squashed like a bug in an instant, well before he could even think about pulling the trigger. She ignored his weird, uncivilized sounding speech pattern that served as his "introduction", if it could even be called that. "My name is Vallayuel Naradeohs, representative of the Garhandus people. What sort of a bug are you?" She replied in a voice that would sound booming to him based on his location. Her battle-hammer was now grasped in her right hand. She didn't both with her hand-cannon in this circumstance for obvious reasons, letting it rest at her hip. She didn't make any other movements for now, only eyeing him through the slit in her helmet with her two normal eyes, leaving the third one shut. She didn't have too much more patience to give him, so if it turned out he'd bore her and take too long to reply then she'd squash him with her right foot and be done with him. For his sake he better be amusing.