Niesha was taken aback by Milo asking if she needed a ride. While she didn't have a car, her own two feet had served her well. But she couldn't deny the usefulness of having a car, nor could she deny the opportunity to shorted her time going back to her base and collecting her things. It would make it easier and it would give her a chance to explore the museums system some more. "Thanks" she said to Milo, "I appreciate that. I have a bike, but I rarely use it. I've found cars can be easily tracked, so I walk a lot" she smiled, "I'm Niesha by the way. Although I'm sure Nora has a few choice names for me, Nessie is fine" She looked to Jason, taking in what he said, and said quite cheerfully, "I think I'm going to like working with you. A hackers dream is to have a photographic memory. Since I wasn't blessed with one, I'll just borrow yours, okay" she slipped her hand held in her pocket, She looked to Lee as he seemed to jump to taking control, and said "if there's the gale or whatever it's called on, I can probably get us in. That would be simplest, and then we can either haul up somewhere or mingle and try to do the hiest. A few hours, and I can get some names on the gales guest list. And then we just need fancy clothes" she looked to Nora and said "unless you want to get us on the list, then by all means. Free me up to do something else" she then turned to Booker "I'll be going i the museum no matter what. I need to see the security system to by pass it flawlessly. I need to know if there's a silent alarm button anywhere to disable that as well, and I need to find where their alarms home base it. For now, I need to go and get the rest of my tools, since Milo has so kindly offered to give me a ride" She looked back to Milo, "shall we go?"