[b]Name:[/b] Nicholas Grey, THE GREATEST RACER OF OUR GENERATION (While not officially part of his name, it is one of many titles he has, and is the primary one he uses.) [b]Appearance:[/b] [Hider=THE DASHING BASTION OF HUMANITY HIMSELF][img=http://media.tumblr.com/756da26c72a8692d00059b9c6bf2e59e/tumblr_inline_mg6beueCG31qb9i9c.png][/hider] *Underneath the mask, Nicholas has rather white skin. He has bright blue eyes, and black hair which goes all the way to the back of his neck. His hair is always combed fairly well (except when he initially takes his mask off). He doesn't have "sharp" facial features, and over-all looks like an average man.* [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] Nicholas Grey lived a normal childhood, in a kind orphanage, for a few years. (Nicholas is rather confused about why so many orphans have tragic stories, but that is besides the point.). He lived in the orphanage until he was adopted by a nice suburban couple. While in their care he learned a lot about racing, as he always watched it with his adopted family whenever a race was on. It was there he decided to train to become a Racer. Once he made it as a driver, he grew arrogant as his wins increased, which happened quite often (ie. most every race, sans a few at the beginning) as he was a true natural at the sport. One day at an unsuspecting casino gig he was attacked by supernatural monsters, such as ghouls, vampires, banshees, etc. (he does not know what set them off, but the casino quickly became infected by those beasts). It was there he learned he had some rare gene which prevented him from being turned into a supernatural creature or supernatural force, and with that push he became a vehement defender of humanity, sworn to protect man from the creatures that go bump in the night. (It really does appeal to his narcissistic view of himself). Which he does in between his job Racing, mingling with other celebrities, and all sorts of corporate gigs. And as a true Bastion of Humanity, he would have been in one of the other agencies, but with such a busy schedule, they wouldn't let him in. But the newer organization Pandora, and the Monster and Supernatural Extermination Squad, was eager to get more people involved. (Especially one who could help promote the message through various media sources.) [b]Skills and Powers[/b] - Greatest Racer: Nicholas Grey is the single greatest racer of his generation. IF you need a get-away driver who can pilot a vehicle through the streets, while doing trick stunts and avoiding harming anyone. Nicholas Grey is your go-to guy, due to his know-how and his skills as a driving master. After all, he is the [b]GREATEST RACER OF HIS GENERATION![/b] (... But if you are afraid of speed, just know, Nicholas CAN'T DRIVE FIFTY-FIIIIIIIVE....) -Pure Human: Nicholas Grey is pure human, and nothing can change that. No methods could ever turn Grey into a Supernatural freak. (And as such, he could never gain the 'power benefits' of turning into a supernatural, or any downsides to becoming supernatural.) He's a pure human through and through. CHAMPION OF HUMANITY! - MacGyvering Mastermind: Nicholas Grey is a natural mechanic and tinkerer, and is able to 'MacGyver' many countless weapons from various scrap-parts. If you need a vehicle repaired with minimal supplies and effort, Nicholas can do it. If you need an improvised weapon, he can easily make it for you. You need breaking into a high security computer system...? Give him some time, and he could surely do it. -Athleticism: From doing his own stunts in his movies, to being a Semi-Regular Participant on the TV Show, Fear is Reality, (in which contestants fight off against deranged/sociopath supernatural freaks) Nicholas is an athletic human male. - Corporate Sponsors: Nicholas Grey has a [i]ton[/i] of Corporate Sponsors who he loyally does commercials for. As such they give him various things, like his large paychecks, and various weapons to fight off supernatural monsters. -Winning Smile, (Aka Charismatic Celeb): Nicholas Grey is a master at Press Interviews, and is a well-known Celebrity for his various deeds, mostly Racing, but also his Movies, and really enjoying his fan-base and doing stuff for them. As such he knows the limelight, and can get people to do stuff for him. But being a Celeb does have flaws, besides being busy, Nicholas Grey has a -lot- of rabid stalker fans. [b]Other Things of Interest[/b] Unlike the others of the agency, he does not stay in the Pandora Complex, instead opting to go to Lavish Hotels all across Edge City. Nicholas Grey, while in Edge City, is currently filming a Buddy Cop Film, [i]Maltese Falcon Four: Back in Chinatown[/i], where he plays as the Rookie Agent Douglas Cruickshanks, a hot-headed Police Officer who wants vengeance on the gang that killed his father. He is assigned to be partners with Detective Sammy Breckam (Played by the Shapeshifter Actor, Brook Burns , a worn beat-agent who has become cynical over-time in his failings to convict the Black Diamond Triad Leader, Li Bai. Together, they return to China Town to stop the Black Diamonds from fulfilling the heist of the Maltese Falcon. Nicholas Grey is also suing a Tabloid Paper, Global News Today, for insinuating that he was having relations with a Supernatural being, and for claiming that he in-fact, [i]was[/i] a supernatural being for his mutation that allows him to be the PURE BASTION OF HUMANITY.