Luther didn't walk into the hotel carrying much - A few days worth of clothes basic necessities packed in a bag, and an accordion in a case. His roommate being a kleptomaniac, he had a habit of keeping most of his possessions in his modest car, and because of it the back of his car was nearly unusable. Was this even the right hotel? Pulling out his phone to check, the man was surprised to find that it was. It wasn't like he was going to complain. The long line would be annoying to some people, but he didn't really mind it. With the prices they were offering it was natural many people would be interested in getting a room. He made brief eye contact with someone, and took a moment before looking away. Were they a woman, or a man? Either way, they were attractive enough that Luther didn't mind the look. He took a spot in line and absently gazed at the decor. While his work was more colorful than most, it was still a hospital, and it was nice to be out of it.