The sight of more newcomers walking through the portal was a comforting one - it meant that Kasumi would hopefully not have to offer too much of her blood. She had read up on the nature of some of the world's more... Unpleasant magic during her youth, and she understood the most basic of premises surrounding the nature of ritualistic blood magic. It seemed fairly obvious that the more people to offer their blood, the easier it would be to break the seal, but the sheer age of the construct that had risen before them left many doubts surrounding how much of Kasumi's very basic knowledge was applicable. As she held out her hand, the blood from her recent cut dripped slowly into the lifeless sands, seemingly imbuing it with some form of sanguinary pulse. That was good - it meant that the magic was strong. It would need to be strong, she thought, as she looked upon the black gate before them. "It is, isn't it?" Kasumi noted, turning to Zaria, before taking the knife and throwing it directly towards her. It would not stab her if she did not move, nor would it miss her - it was a throw designed specifically for her to actually catch the knife. She would need to use it in order to participate in the ritual. She figured that Caelyn would hold out his also-cut hand and join them, at the very least. The others... Would perhaps be hesitant. She could perhaps inspire them to offer up their blood willingly with the threat of them offering it unwillingly if they didn't. "I have more knives, if anyone needs one. If you don't want to participate, well... It wouldn't be a blood orgy if I didn't cut you a little." She called out, half smirking and half deadpan. It was a confusing look, to say the least, and while it certainly had a more humourous tone, it was quite clearly not a joke. Participation in the ritual would be mandatory if any of her new-found partners wanted to escape the desert unwounded.